Re: The Big Show


Good for him... but I have to wonder why WashMo would want to pay him to do what he's already doing. Is it just a matter of wanting in on the revolution? It doesn't sount like he's going to be moving to Washington or anything, so it's hard to see what other direct contribution he can make to their operation...

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Traffic and buzz. The Washmo's circulation is 16,500. Look at Kevin's traffic. Twice that, each day (making allowances for errant Google searches, etc., Kevin still has many more readers than the WashMo).

And yes, they are now part of the revolution. I was only vaguely aware of the existence of the WashMo, but now, they're on my map as a publication that "gets it."

This seems like a very good move for them, because, as you say, Kevin keeps doing what he's doing, and they become a hot destination. Kevin owned the AWOL story, and any publication would have loved to have him writing those posts for them. The WashMo is betting that something like that will happen again.

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Yeah, you're right that he's been on top of things lately, more like a real news source than a reactive blogger. I guess the AWOL story alone was reason enough to hire him... although that story seems to have dried up now.

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First Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake. Now "The Big Show." Fontana, I demand H(e)art Foundation-related content!

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I am a 'one man gang' devoted to baa-satisfaction.

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You better say your prayers, you better eat your vitamins...

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