Re: Alternate Fantasy


That is way too 1984-ish. Good lord it's scary. I certainly hope that doesn't represent a measurable percentage of the population. Probably a vain hope.

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President Bush had his "A" game last night.

I can only imagine what his "F" game would have looked like. Apparently, GWB could stand behind the podium and deliver nothing but ten minutes of armpit farts and the Freepers would rise to applaud his steadfastness and moral courage.

Clinton would have cut and run, or talked around the questions and not given answers. Bush not only answered questions, but he would answer all the multiple parts of the questions that were asked.

Did I fall asleep during this segment of the press conference? Because what I recall went a little more like this:

QUESTION: Mr. President, why are you and the vice president insisting on appearing together before the 9-11 commission? And, Mr. President, who will we be handing the Iraqi government over to on June 30th?

BUSH: We'll find that out soon. That's what Mr. Brahimi is doing. He's figuring out the nature of the entity we'll be handing sovereignty over.

And, secondly, because the 9-11 commission wants to ask us questions, that's why we're meeting. And I look forward to meeting with them and answering their questions.

QUESTION: I was asking why you're appearing together, rather than separately, which was their request.

BUSH: Because it's a good chance for both of us to answer questions that the 9-11 commission is looking forward to asking us. And I'm looking forward to [hearing Dick Cheney] answering them.

Nothing but softballs through the entire affair and he still whiffed nearly every one. Even I was embarrassed for him. Compared to this, the MTP debacle looked positively Churchillian. I want some of what they're smoking.

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