Re: Not Even



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I really don't think he's kicking our asses anymore.

The very best comment I've ever heard about Clinton was from an aide who said that everyone who worked with him respected him because they all knew that Clinton could do their job better than they could.

So yeah, that Wal-Mart would be humming.

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Answer the "ass-kicking" question on November 11. I admit, I was an early convert to the (late, lamented) Michael Kelly's assessment of GWB: namely, that he was a pin head.

But (again like Kelly) after 9/11 I began to think that something was there. Now I'm fairly convinced that there's substance there. Maybe this was just that I wanted to rally around the C-in-C, but I don't think so.

Also, do you really think of Clinton as an "execution and management" type guy? I always imagined his lost opportunity as sales.

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