Re: Tell You All


As our survey shows, almost everyone (96.2%) will "pay more" for at least one type of product that is important to them, and almost 70% identified as many as 10 categores that they will rocket - that is, spend a disproportionate amount of their income, as compared to their spending in other categories.

I really need to start reading more fiction.

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Whoops - forgot the attribution.

Silverstein, Michael J. and Neil Fiske with John Butman, Trading Up - The New American Luxury

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"He sounded contrite, as if he meant it."

Patricia Highsmith, Ripley Under Ground


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Decide which of you will play the child, and which will play the parent.

Faber & Mazlish: How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk

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We have embarked upon empire (Rome born again our heavy fate) without a Virgil in the crew, only tarnished silver writers in a bright uranium age, perfunctorily divided by editorialists between the "affirmative" (and good) and the "negative" (and bad).

-Gore Vidal, United States: Essays 1952-1992

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The nearest book to me is a Latin dictionary. It doesn't even have proper sentences.

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"Object references are opaque to applications, but they contain information that ORBs need in order to establish communications between clients and target objects"

- Advanced CORBA programming with C , Henning and Vinoski

Either you guys have much more interesting jobs than I do, or you're wasting your free time reading blogs. Blog-reading is something you should be getting paid for people...

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It is common to regard authority over persons as centrally involving a right to rule, where that is understood as correlated with an obligation to obey on the part of those subject to authority.

Joseph Raz _The Morality of Freedom_

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Ok, fine, if you're going to be that way about it...

In this way all morals, which require anthropology in order to be applied to humans, must be entirely expounded at first independently of anthropology as pure philosophy, i.e., as metaphysics (which can easily be done in such distinct kinds of knowledge).

Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack

No, I'm just being silly, it's Immanuel Kant's Italian Cooking made Easy

I swear this really was on my desk, I'm not just grabbing the most erudite thing on the shelf and pretending.

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Just why a book was closest at hand might make for a good second round. I had just read something online that made liberal use of hendiadys, so I thought, "I remember where I first came across the word for that," and pulled the Prufer off the shelf to reread the essay where I had seen it (a brilliant two-and-a-half page essay on Plato and Heidegger, if you're curious). The sentence on page 23, however, is from an essay, "Notes on Nature: The City and the Garden, Nature and Gods in Epicureanism, Hobbes's Sovereign Teaching," that I haven't read.

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Shakyamuni was a Buddhakaya.

Being Peace, Thich Nhat Hanh

I have a blog, but this would have been radically out of place, even though it's a great idea.

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"It shall be unlawful for any person, by the use of any means or instruments or communication in interstate commerce or by the use of the mails, to publish, give publicity to, or circulate any notice, circular, advertisement, newspaper, article, letter, investment service, or communication which, though not purporting to offer a security for sale, describes such security for a consideration received or to be received, direccly or indirectly, from an issuer, underwriter, or dealer, without fully disclosing the receipt, whether past or prospective, of such consideration and the amount thereof."

Quoting Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933.

Federal Securities Laws; John C. Coffee, Jr. and Joel Seligman, eds. 2003 Edition.

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Am I under arrest?

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I imagine that my dictionary was nearest to me because some time in the past 8 months I wanted to look something up in Latin, and never moved it. The other two books on my desk (The Nothingness Beyond God and Being and Nothingness, IIRC) are there because when I got them that space in my room was clear, and I haven't moved them since.

Right now the answer's "Since tragedy is a mimesis of men bettter than ourselves, the example set by good portrait-painters should be followed: they, while rendering the individual physique realistically, improve on their subjects' beauty.", from Aristotle's Poetics, excerpted in Philosophy of Literature ed. Eileen John and Dominic McIver Lopes.

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Ah, that brings up another possibility: recording the fifth sentence on the 23rd page of the nearest book at regular intervals. That would make for an interesting journal.

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Oops! Religion and Nothingness, not Being.

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""In scientific or technical writing, use figures to express area, distance, length, volume, and other physical measurements." [Unicewsity of Minnseota Style Manual]

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"See greater than (>), earlier in the chapter, for an example."

JavaScript Programmer's Reference

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"This was to me the strangest disposition imaginable!"

James Hogg, Anecdotes of Sir W. Scott

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In July 1974, a unanimous Supreme Court held that the president's "generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial."

*May It Please the Court*, ed. Peter Irons and Stephanie Guitton, The New Press 1993; they're introducing the arguments made in U.S. v Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974)

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"What do you know about getting up at 5 o'clock in t'morning to fly to Paris... back at the Old Vic for drinks at twelve, sweating the day through press interviews, television interviews & getting back here at ten to wrestle with the problem of a homosexual nymphomaniac drug-addict involved in the ritual murder of a well known Scottish footballer."

"Monty Python's Flying Circus - Just the Words(vol. 1)"

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Fontana, I'm 98% certain I've identified your True Identity. So let me ask: did you lend me "This Sweet Sickness" in Los Angeles?

Also, I regret to report that sentence five, line 23 of "Lord Jim" is quite forgettable.

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Sorry, the above was me. And it's page 23, of course.

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baa, that sounds vaguely obscene. I hate to disappoint, but that wasn't me.

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Well, now we now how sure baa has to be before we trust him.

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Well, the combination of philosophy highsmith general aura was *very* familiar. egg on my face, of course. (whoops! that sounds obscene too...)

ogged, I am 94% sure I don't get your comment.

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Does that mean you understand my comment better than I understand it? I'm not so good with numbers.

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