Re: Well, Which Will It Be?


Um, doesn't Los Angeles count as Southern California? Or did you not hear about Wayne leaving the Oilers to play for the Kings in 1988?

Hmmm, 1988, wasn't that about the time you also weren't hearing about Michelle Shocked?

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Look bub, I know about the Kings trade, but if I'd bet you five minutes before this post that you couldn't find ten Southern Californians who care about Wayne Gretzsky (nevermind a Southern Californian punk band that sings about having sex with him), you wouldn't have taken the bet.

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The "only man I'd have sex with" line reminds me of a conversation making the rounds at a party I went to a year or so back: "If you had to sleep with someone of the same sex (or of the opposite sex for gay attendees), who would it be?"

Elvis was a very popular answer for straight guys. I think I chose Bryan Ferry, or maybe Carey Grant. Some poor dope chose Sting, apparently not remembering his claimed Tantric prowess, and my reply was "Sting? He'd be at you for hours!"

I can see someone preferring Gretzky to Jordan, if they were into the rough lumberjack look. . .

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You're probably right about that bet, although I really have no idea how (un)popular hockey is in Los Angeles. I haven't been there much, and never during hockey season.

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It's just going to hurt the first time anyway...don't think handsome, think amnesiac, or mute.

Is this a good time to tell you I've never heard of Bryan Ferry? Let me guess, '88 was his breakout year.


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Actually, never is a good time to tell me you haven't heard of Bryan Ferry, that is if you value my opinion of your musical knowledge and taste (which you probably shouldn't, truth be told). I actually don't care about Michelle Shocked at all, I'm completely indifferent to her and her music and who has or hasn't heard of her. But you really need to check out Bryan Ferry, especially the Roxy Music stuff.

And I reckon you're right about the first time, it'd probably be best just to choose someone you'd enjoy getting completely blotto drunk with, and then hope for the best. I think that makes my Carey Grant choice a good one: lots of screwball-comedy witty banter and repartee whilst suavely descending into a nice, comfortable martini-induced stupor. Plus he seems like he'd be a gentleman about things . . .

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Wait, is this the possible world where I'm attracted to the person, or not? (i.e., is the question "suppose you were attracted to one person from that group-- predict who it would be" or is it "pick the person from that group with whom you would have sex if you had to have sex with one person from that group despite the orientation issue"?)

Hurray! I spoiled the fun!

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I took it to be the latter question. Mitch...I don't know...Mitch is into this.

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It's just going to hurt the first time anyway

Well, if you're choosing Michael Jordan...

Didn't want to think about that, did you? Or maybe you did...

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I took it to be the latter question as well. I think most people answered it that way, but I didn't start the conversation, it just sort of migrated around the party over the course of the night. So I can't actually say what the "official rules" were or present comprehensive results. And come to think of it, I would imagine there to be a considerable overlap between most people's answers to each question.

But hey Fontana, you can answer it either way, or both ways, or any way you like. Knock yourself out.

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