Re: Who were the Allies?


I know! I was really gob-smacked by that post. I'd like to blame the the rsising dominance porn culture, and Howard fucking Stern for this kind of thing. But Belle's comments made me think this just happens all the time. Yike!

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Yeah, but her sister is kind of cute.

Not that this is morally relevant, mind you.

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FL lives!

I'd like to blame the the rsising dominance porn culture, and Howard fucking Stern for this kind of thing.

I'll assume you're kidding, and thank you not to disabuse me. I'm not shocked he said it; I've heard enough stories like that not to be surprised, but I am pretty surprised that he fought back, and flabbergasted that no one stepped in.

And...she is cute, but you can tell just from that picture that she's trouble.

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No, really, I'm not kidding at all. Did people say shit like this in 1970? At a war reenactment? Also, hetero focus on anal sex fetish recent in mainstream culture. Didn't used to be on SNL every night, for example.

But maybe I just had a sheltered life.

I think the solution is to bring back dueling.

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I asked you not to disabuse me.

I agree that there are different standards now (does Wonkette let a day go by without making an ass-fucking joke?), but don't you think blaming porn and Stern might have cause/effect backwards? Not that I'm so sure what the causes are.

And are you dictating these comments to a telegraph operator, or what?

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Wow, that *was* semi-literate. Um, I was really busy at work while surfing the web, hence the telegraphic nature of my comments.

And sure, sure, knowing the direction of the arrow on Stern et. al. is a good question. But *something* changed. Last SNL I saw: hetero ass fucking joke. A really funny one, in fact (it was the Ben Affleck episode. He killed!). This didn't raeally exist in 1987. I dunno why, but it's sure enough true.

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I was really gob-smacked

What's a gob-smack?

Anyway, I (surprise anyone?) disagree with baa. Obviously, it's apparant that most of us find this sort of behavior wrong. I don't agree that back in the 1970s that such people didn't exist. Remeber Taxi Driver? I don't think you can make a case based on this example that such behavior has become acceptable. Quite the opposite.

I'm not disagring that among certain peopl, Howard Stern creates a norm of masogyny (sp?). I just don't think it's new, or that it wouldn't happen anyway within social circles without Stern.

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C'mon, FL, "kinda cute?" My sister is a stone cold fox. She is, however, as per Ogged's observation, obviously trouble. She's issues, let's say. I basically feel sorry for the boys.

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In Fontana's defense, I think he sensed (and I agree, or I would have called her a fox myself) that it's inappropriate to comment on a woman's attractiveness upon hearing that someone just told her he wanted to "put it in her ass."

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Now that the obstacle has been brought out into the open, though, its efficacy has vanished, so I'll take the opportunity to mention that Mia is one sexxy lady. And just my age, too!

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"What's a gob-smack?"

Travel in time and place, guy, and get a British friend.

Or, you know, don't, because that's such a foreign culture.

If you don't actually learn about someone else, it's possible a hostile, bad, person, might spit in your face.

Personally, I prefer to have faint knowledge of fiction, and such weirdly foreign lands, but that's just me.

I soon plan to explore the exotic land of "Canada."

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you all r dumb for bitching at each other when no one answered her question

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well answer it then!

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