Re: A Few Nits


If only I were as strong with regards to cognitive dissonance as instapundit and the rest of the right wing blog world

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A fine, well-reasoned post except for one point. You appear to dismiss what you call "domestic political REACTION" as less disturbing than abuse of detainees. Domestic politics -- especially in a presidential election year in a red state/blue state nation -- is a deadly serious business whose outcome may determine the future security of the nation. Democrat politics is not a reaction, but a purposeful campaign to impugn the President, of course, and my concern is that pathological hatred of George Bush may be blinding some of his adversaries to the dangers that threaten us all. For some, securing the White House may trump securing the nation.

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"For some, securing the White House may trump securing the nation."

Hm. I would have thought that even the Libertarian, Communist, or Monster Raving Loony candidates would be serious about securing the nation if elected. In fact the only coterie demonstrably more concerned with securing the White House is the Rove/Cheney/Chimpy axis of disinterest. Isn't it?

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