Re: Crisis


could you imagine the repercussions if we don't get this administration out of office this year? their doing all of this fucked up shit in an election year. imagine what will happen if they get re-elected and have the next four years not to worry about voter confidence.

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That's a good point. And the worry isn't just what they'll do, but the fact that Americans will have endorsed, before the world, what they've already done.

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"If this is being protected, I'll take my chances."

Well said. I dont know where to direct my frustration; at the government who got us where we are or to the other half of the population who somehow thinks we are going in the right direction.

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Note, please, that they "have sex" with the woman, but "rape" the boy

I think that the parsing of words here has more to do with who is commiting the acts than who the victim is. Iraqis are raping, Americans are "having sex".

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The quote you have above does not appear on the NBC website. Did the network owned by the nation's 9th largest defense contractor scrub the story?

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Wow Retro, that's not even the same story that the link pointed to before. I'll try to find the other one and put in a new link. Thanks for the tip.

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Well damn, it looks like they took the story down entirely. I'll do a post on this. Thanks very much for the catch.

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Well said:

that our soldiers blithely torture detainees; and that fully half the country still thinks the President is doing a good job? Do you wonder how totalitarian regimes come about? This is how: with the consent of the governed.

I am a German - born well after WWII - and this is a point about Hitler's rise that we have (hopefully) learned and relearned in civics classes, historical documentaries and political discussions.

I have rarely seen the point put in such succinct form.

The way to stop a dictatorship is a public that cares and thinks about politics and acts accordingly.

What does not help is if everybody has a gun at home, as the NRA wants you to believe.


Karl Heinz

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Thanks, Karl. While I think the torture is horrible for America's image in the world, what actually frightens me personally is how many people are willing to minimize, contextualize, and all-but-dismiss it. Those are the people who make it possible for governments to become truly repressive.

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