Re: Even True


Hi, Ogged. I was just wondering, whatever happened to Fontana Labs, or possibly even Unf? Or Bob? (I see at the top of the page that there ought to be a Bob, but I don't recall there ever having been one.) Have you been left holding the Unfogged bag? What's the dillyo? But, more topically, I enjoyed that article too.

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Oh Belle, it's my tale of co-blogger woe.

I'm hoping that Fontana is just enjoying an end-of-term vacation.

Bob (who posted quite a bit between 7/03 and 2/04) has had his fill of blogging.

Unf...who can tell with Unf? The generous me says his high-powered lawyering doesn't leave time to blog in the manner to which his grateful public had become accustomed. The other, much larger, me says he's the most inconstant, least bloggerish co-blogger a guy could have co-blogged with.

I'm trying to hold down the fort, but I might be running out of ammo.

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