Re: Metabeat


I has seemed really quiet lately... summer, maybe, or the academic year? I know I have been busy with other things. But wow, there's a lot going on in the world to write about...

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Somehow I can't help but read this post's title as "Meatbeat." Of course, some people think all meta-commentary is masturbatory.

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All odd sexual connotations are, of course, intentional. In any event, given that people pay to watch masturbation, I disavow nothing.

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This is the beginning of a major shake-down in the blogosphere. Atrios is going to have to scale back his operations, most likely, and a generation (in blog years) of bloggers is probably going to find something better to do.

This is where we come in.

If we can hold out through this dark time, Unfogged, The Weblog (mine), and (God willing) Chun the Unavoidable will be in the top ten blogs within a year -- just by virtue of having endured.

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Atrios is going to have to scale back? Seems to me he's expanding, with his regular gig on Air America and all.

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The reason behind his fund drive was that he was going to have to get a new job that wouldn't allow him as much blogging time.

At least that was my understanding.

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Ah, yes. He got a job at my local video shop. I've seen the new gawky teenager wearing a t-shirt that says, "I am Atrios."

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That would be a great t-shirt.

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You're in luck!

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