Re: Veil of Ignorance


But if us warty pudgy homely yucky people always hide our faces, how will others ever learn to look beyond superficial appearances?

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Wonkette was, let's admit it, a pleasant surprise.

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Ogged, you don't look that bad. Actually you look a little jewish, must be the nose.

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My crush on Belle does continue unabated, but also unaided, by the revelation of her personal appearance.

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Aww, Adam, that's sweet. Or wait, vaguely insulting? No, no, it's sweet.

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Belle, I was just trying to show you that I wasn't shallow.

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So waitaminute there Ogged, if you think bloggers should keep their appearances to themselves, why'd you go and out (or attempt to, anyway) Belle before?

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Do you really have to bring up the most ignominious chapter in my sleuthing history? (Belle, I'm so sorry, I was confused and mistaken....) Ben, you fucking rat.

To answer the substantial question: hmm, good question. I credit Adam with helping me thematize my opposition to public appearances, and allowing me to raise inchoate thoughts to the level of principle. Verily, I was barely conscious before.

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I wouldn't have thought it reflected so poorly on your sleuthing, ogged. I mean, it would have to have been sleuthing in the first place, right?

I kid because I love.

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That's either nice of you or you're still making fun of me. Generally, a sleuth who picks out the wrong target is adjudged a crappy sleuth. Anyone can dig through the trash, right?

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BTW it's nice for you to say I look "sultry" in that photo, Ogged, since it would be more accurate to say I look like I just got hit smartly on the base of the skull with an axe handle. But, to be fair, I was totally drunk.

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Well, now that you've said it, I can say it: you look drunk, too. But some women look stupid drunk, some look sultry. Count yourself lucky.

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It's the kohl that does it.

(Yeah, I know that's not really kohl. But "kohl" is cool, and I was thinking of this Gorey quatrain.)

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