Re: I link to Leiter to make Ogged unhappy


Something I haven't seen anyone mention is (e) "The War on Drugs". It didn't work, and has had lots of bad side effects that continue to this day.

I haven't checked Mark Kleiman today, maybe he has something to say . . .

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Yeah, there were lots of drug laws in place before Reagan, but he made it a focus of domestic and foreign policy (and was the first one I think to actually label it a "war") and framed it in terms of a moral crusade. He also steered lots of money to militarizing domestic and foreign police forces to try to crack down on supply and users, all the while shorting effective treatment, prevention, and harm mitigation programs. His (or Nancy's really) idea of promoting prevention was "Just Say No". Also came up with the laws that allow police seizure and sale, without due process, of property that police believe (or want to believe) may have been bought with proceeds from drug dealing. Many police departments now use this practice as a primary source of revenue. Also, ridiculously strict mandatory minimum sentences for minor drug possession. Lots of other policies that are both troubling from a civil liberties perspective and ineffective sprang from this "war".

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