Re: Yes, Republicanism is a public-health problem


Looking at where different states lie, I'd say the only revelation this graph has for us is that the culturally Republican South also has the worst dietary habits in the US. As a lifelong Southerner, I almost can't consider it a true meal if something isn't deep-fried. And then there is my torrid love affair with lovely, lovely pork in all its many forms...

Dammit, I may have to switch parties now.

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I still think this is a parody site.

Health care should not be predominantly provided by government or by employers. It should NOT be a 'benefit'. Individuals should take care of themselves as much as possible.

The best use for insurance is to protect from irretrievable risk.

You don't insure a pen bought from an ofice supply house (actually some do, I was in line at Staples and believe it or not the guy in front of me paid to 'protect' the pen he was buying as a gift......) Stupid.

We should each pay for our own basic care and meds.

Medical disasters should be covered by some type of PRIVATE insurance. If private burns too hard 1. step out of the sunnlight, 2. let government compete too.

You fuckwits here bitching about W and Cheney, do you realize the civil libertarian significance of a government agency that could gain the power to tell you what to eat or not eat? What to wear or not wear (read helmets and seatbelts blah blah).

Each government program is the closest thing to eternal life most of us will ever see. --Reagan

b Individual responsibility as much as is possible.

Funny how leftists like to lie when they circumvent the Constitution but then trust 'their' kind of government.

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Health care should not be predominantly provided by government or by employers. It should NOT be a 'benefit'. Individuals should take care of themselves as much as possible.

I'm so in love.

Have you seen the bumper sticker that reads, "Our National Health Plan: Don't Get Sick!"

Really, I used to think it was an unclever lefty line.

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I still think this is a parody site.

I'm beginning to believe that you are a parody commenter. All the same, you definitely earned your non sequitur merit badge with this one. Top notch!

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Ogg said

an unclever lefty line.


If you are not left than what? The only two answers I have are just as bad.

Go ahead publish this post by VDH:

Two views are emerging about our post-September-11 world. One is angry, but also therapeutic—and most often embraced by the Left. I think it goes roughly like this.......[click link]

W is a very good leader. He has proven to be a great President.

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I sort of think that abc123's comments must be a parody. Nonetheless, since he (or she) brings it up:

Life expectancy vs. per capita expenditures on health care.

Life expectancy vs. pct of GDP spent on healthcare.

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Holy shit.

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BTW, Bob's hand-drawn line isn't bad--it's a bit closer to what we might think of as the principal components line, though. That's a pretty common bias in hand-drawn lines.

Here are two regression lines.

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You 'guys' are either 1. gay, 2. EUnich-types or 3. too young for me to keep posting here.

Good for you.

I suggest:



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Speaking of Europeans and penises, did you happen to catch the picture of Rasputin's pickeld penis? Holy power behind the throne. (thanks to baa for the story)

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lets go 'fogged', post VDH's latest without a word of comment.

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Ogged -- I was so hoping you would click through.

abc123 -- I'm a card-carrying neo-con cabal member myself (although slim and fit!) , and I gotta say, you're wielding the Milton Friedman stick a bit wildly here. Unless, of course the close relationship between your emergence and Chun's retirement isn't entirely coincidental.

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Only leftists, Islamists and David Duke types use the phrase 'neocon'.

Neocons call themselves conservative.

Leftists use the words 'Dean', green and Haliburton as they go get their teeth whitened and shop for shoes.

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With the knowledge that amazon links are crass. . .

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dude, you are so wrong. Whenever "the man", or Frank Rich, tries to steal the label, you've got to embrace it. And don't tell me national reviw conservatism is like the weekly standard's. It's not.

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I still think this is a parody site.

I love it. This line alone wins me over for abc123.

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You mean it's not a parody site?

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Ha! We need parody parity.

Several years ago I "ran" in Bay to Breakers with a real-runner friend of mine. Mid-course, a good hour after the first people had crossed the finish line (and probably a good hour before the last people crossed the start line), as we stood in front of the dehydrated-soup promoters who were tossing us free dehydrated-soup cups, and as we watched the costumed and keg-toting racers amble by, my real-runner friend said in disgust, "This isn't a real race!"

Of course, Bay to Breakers both is and isn't a real race.

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good work zyrtec

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good work zyrtec

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