Re: Bikes


Cycling enthusiasts have not responded because the readers of your blog are decent, honest liberals, sick of the lying and spin we've been subject to from the conservative side for lo these many years. They simply cannot tell a lie-the simple fact is bicycle racing IS the worst spectator sport in the universe. Watching worms mate is more interesting. Actually impossible to spectate at a cycle race anyway. All you get is a brief snapshot as they go pumping by, spewing sweat and groans. And worse, because of the health-orientated nature of this ridiculous passtime, drinking beer is frowned upon. Not to mention the silly clothes. That's why they can't respond.

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The piece that Ogged links to was written by a fool, who doesn't understand bike racing, and wasn't smart enough to get a start list, or stand in an area where time breaks are recorded. It's the prologue, for goodness sakes! There's action every 60 seconds! Next year, I'm going to get me a free pass to the Tour, so I can write shoddy articles, too.

I agree that most point-to-point races in Europe are probably best watched on telly, in a pub along the route. But North American bike racing is based mostly around Criteriums - short courses, many laps. The Fillmore and Taylor street hills of the T-Mobile International (the old San Francisco GP) are punishing, and can take minutes to climb. Stand at the top, and you get to see what it is to have heart, guts, and cojones on two wheels (er, cojone, if LA is riding). And you get to watch that twenty times over. I really can't imagine anything better.

And, for the record, I know of many pro riders who like to finish a good race with a (single) pint of Leffe.

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