Re: I prefer "ersatz"


I would think a transsexual would prefer ersatz, but I guess not.

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Wolfson, I'm surprised you didn't comment on the fact that the now-deleted spammers spelled it "trannys" rather than "trannies."

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I like to keep things unpredictable.

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I'm sure the trannys are happy to hear that.

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When they sprayed comments all over my site (all of which were moderated because they were on old posts - hint hint Ogged), both spellings were used.

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Am I the only one for whom 'trannie' means a guy in a dress, while 'tranny' means what has to be pulled at great expense after your car starts making clunking noises when it goes uphill? I looked at that and thought "Auto parts spam?"

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A trannie isn't a guy in a dress, it's a person who has (post-op) or will (pre-op) undergo surgery to become a member of the opposite sex. It's also a derogatory term and not to be preferred!

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"has undergone or will undergo," fothermucker.

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Point Weiner.

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I fall upon the thorns of editing! I bleed!

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Disagree entirely, Wolfson. "Trannie" includes both transvestites (guy in a dress) and transsexuals (surgical circs). I can't claim to be an expert on this, but I don't know what the approved term is - is there one? The only thing I've heard in this area is that the approved reference to women is "genetically girl" or "gg," which, I have to admit, seem wierd or somehow inappropriate.

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Oh, transvestites, right, I knew there was another word I was forgetting. But I've never seen "tranny" or "trannie" used in that context, only "crossdresser".

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