Re: Irreducible Alterity, and Buggery


Given that increasing age correlates with decreasing attractiveness, I believe that Mr. Derbyshire has demonstrated that Veep candidates tend to be younger than Presidential candidates. Nice to see that his education hasn't gone to waste!

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It's a bit strange (though not necessarily surprising for the Derb) that he chose "prettier" instead of, say, "more attractive", or "better looking".

I wonder who the Derbster would vote for if Kerry had chosen Barbara Streisand as his running mate?

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*just shakes his head*

Derbyshire is the QUEEREST straight boy I have EVER read. Totally, unutterably, massively queer. I go out Friday night and neck with boys less queer than John Derbyshire.

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good work zyrtec

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good work zyrtec

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