Re: It is about values, after all


Did you notice that Bush has a 7% advantage on "Is knowledgeable about the issues?"

Lord, find me a hot Iranian mama to take away the pain.

Totally kidding, Lord.

horizontal rule

Yes, if by "noticed" you mean "choked on."

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I think FL is on the right track for raising doubts on the validity of the overlapping issues in some of the questions. How could a "likely voter," find it important that the president be able to manage the country effectively, but simultaneously find it miminally important (or not important), to care about the needs of the people, or be a strong leader, or be optimistic about the future of the country? What is the distinction? Some of the results (answers), seem to contradict themselves.

By the way, I do know a 67 yo hot Iranian mama in our neighborhood looking for a nice boy like Ogged (in case Ogged seriously prays to Lord for one). I will check for Ogged's comments later!.

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The truly ironic thing is that on both sides those who actually care, have already decided.

No one will not be able to convince me to vote for JFK2 unless you can prove W is really a shapeshifting reptile, as Howard 'aaarggghh-spew', believes. same on the left.

The point, the ironic point, is that it is thus the 60 percent or so 'in the middle' who will decide.

Kerry and the other John both need to be flushed, but I have no more tokens.

Perhaps it is a good thing, maybe a previously unseen law, that partisans (both waco leftist and centrist) don't have control?

horizontal rule

60 percent?

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centrists are partisans? isn't that a contradiction in terms?

abc and his waky zen koans!

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It's just like it is in Pogo: you've got your extreme Left, your extreme Right, and your extreme Middle.

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