Re: Potatoe


Marques' angles at least have the virtue of describing a triangle, which Bush's don't.

horizontal rule

My daughter (10 y.o.) and I were at the grocery store and we saw a sign for "potatoe chips". I told her the story about our eminent former V.P. She took my pen and wrote "Dan Quayle" was here on the sign.

horizontal rule

Of course, that should be "Dan Quayle was here".

horizontal rule

Maybe Jeb wan't thinking planar.

horizontal rule

Triangles can't help themselves. They really like to be planar and the three vertices inevitably determine a plane all by themselves.

Or maybe, as perhaps Bob was suggesting, Jeb was thinking of a 2-manifold such as a sphere, where lines are arcs of great circles and ... oh, dear! ... a triangle's angles can sum to more than 180! (Yeah, that's what Jeb was thinking.)

horizontal rule