Re: Exhale soon


You left out the obvious one. Blaming Clinton and the Democrats for dragging their feet on CO2 and so getting us all into this mess in the first place.

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Don't you mean

4. Nucular!

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Kyoto was a dumb idea. Even those who signed it were 'just being diplomats'.

Kyoto was simply stupid from the outset.

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If Bush proposed and enacted such radical policies within the next couple months, do you think it would confuse liberals enough to get him a second term? Or would liberals hate him all the more, kind of like Republicans hate Clinton for taking all their ideas?

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Let me bring up another leftist mantra 'hydrogen'.

Hydrogen is great. Except, just like Kyoto, the leftists like the frosting but not the cake.

There are two economical ways to get hydrogen 1. coal, 2. nuclear fission.

Kyoto was bad because it was smoke and mirrors. Hydrogen is great but coal and nukes? I say great.

The watermelon-Dean-greens want free, 'cause that's what they have always had.....Hmmm?

The same group that pushed Kyoto also traded oil for palaces in Iraq and were po'd when their love-juice slush fund was cut off by W.

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The left hates W in a way that far exceeds the radical right hatred of Clinton.

Don't forget that the GOP has purged itself of its most extreme. Buchanan, Duke and McVeigh do not feel welcome within the GOP tent.

Kerry, Nader and Dean are so left as to be unrecognizable to 1960's politicians and voters.

Carter? Is he OK? His stamping of Chavez is beyond pathetic.

W and even Clinton are/were more to the center.

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The oil emerates secretly run Al Qeada. Osama Bin Laden is just a front man, a distraction. Saddam Hussein was about to squeal on them, so they had to take him out, which they arranged by having their man, W, make war. 9/11 occured for just this reason.

Hydrogen can easily be obtained through certain plants found in the Rain Forest that George Bush doesn't want you to know about.

Dick Cheney worships Allah and Halliburton is just a money laundering operation for the terrorists.

Ogged and I are engaged.

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One of those statements is false!

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Ok, you got me. But which one?

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abc123 -- have you ever heard of LBJ (or, as he was known to his Spanish whore, El BJ)? I daresay he was further to the left than Kerry. And he governed during the 1960s.

I think we all need to move to France or something to get a feel for what far-left really looks like -- Clinton's not it.

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Hydrogen: I know the laws of physics. Why don't you ask El Presidente about the "Hydrogen economy".

If GDuhbs cut off the slush fund, he just moved it into his buddies pockets. And got a bunch a people dead.

No, the left (as a whole) doesn't hate Bush as much as even the moderate GOP hated Clinton.

Ann Coulter, who seems to be the Sultana of Psychopathy, said that the only problem she had with McVeigh was that he didn't hit the NYT building. And her lunacy still gets published...

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