Re: Blink blink, blink blink


W may end up being remembered as one of our GREATEST PRESIDENTS.

Yes he is far more like JFK that Reagan.

Yes he spends like a Democrat.

He is the only Democrat running. He is also the only leader running.

Both the far, radical, watermelon left and the McVeigh, Buchanan 'right' hate him.

Neocon, read W, means centrist. The more I hear W speak the more I like him. He's a good book, a pathetic cover.

horizontal rule

That's a fiendishly clever pseudonym...

horizontal rule


W has been a good leader.

Prior to 2000 I hated W. When the Chinese took our servicemen hostage I said he was weak.

Do you remember the 2001 Durban UN World Conference Against 'Racism'? That was also prior to 911.

W is the only Democrat running. Kerry and the DNC are pathetic.

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