Re: Good One


it struck me how innocent they were while creating such an awful vision.

When children are recreating news photographs of prison torture, "innocent" isn't the first word that springs to mind.

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I have a similar problem. There's this hillarious video of my pet alligator biting the leg off a drifter. It's not how it sounds, in fact, it's just one of those goofy things (you know how protective pets can me at times!). So my question is, how can I get this onto America's Funniset Home Videos without having busybodies poking at the quicklime-filled vaults in my basement?

Your advice would be appreciated!

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baa, that one's probably a no-go. If you have one of the gator whacking a drifter in the nuts with his tail, though, that's a shoo-in for the grand prize.

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"This one time, I was blindfolded, stripped, and tied to a bed by these two girls..."

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May I have a copy ;-)

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The next video was sent in by Geurgud Gardner from Baden-baden. Here they have come across the body of a tramp, which in itself is not so disturbing. Until it is turned over to reveal…. ANTS! ANTS! ANTS!

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