Re: Lines Crossed


The 'Insta' part refers to the amount of time he thinks about something before he starts typing. His reasoning is so faulty that the 'professor' part is truly scary. Well of course being at the vaunted U of Tennesee explains part of it. The haircut explains the rest. Ok, ok, that last bit was cheap.

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I'm guessing that as Bob is on vacation, he will be responsible for filling unf's shoes.

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Damn. I was sure Reynolds was going to say that all the records were just too confusing to make any sense of the AWOL story . . .

I'm guessing that as Bob is on vacation, he will be responsible for filling unf's shoes.

Filling unf's shoes with what?

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Nails an' spiders.

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Since no one else has said it yet--What took you so long?

He could've at least have noted that the article in the Hill was by well-known Democrat Byron York.

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I'd like to point out that I have spent more time, in my car, patrolling Los Angeles and San Francisco and thereby protecting America, than the hours GWB spent in the air. I think someone should take note of this fine effort on my part.

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I'd like to point out that I have spent more time, in my car, patrolling Los Angeles and San Francisco and thereby protecting America, than the hours GWB spent in the air. I think someone should take note of this fine effort on my part.

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Bush docs might be fake.....\Politics\archive\200409\POL20040909d.html

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Man, I wonder what policies Bush or Kerry would enact after they were elected... Oh, wait--wrong country! Sorry!

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