Re: Akron, 3 Days to Go


You know, if that old guy had keeled over on the way to the phone, that would have been one less vote for Kerry, and it would have been ALL YOUR FAULT.

The gym is like summer camp for the younguns, Hilton boy. They're having a blast, probably getting laid, too.

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I would like to note that I am neither having a blast nor getting laid. I am, however, enjoying the hell out of this daylight savings time thing.

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Thanks for the kick in the nuts, Labs. My cell phone/alarm clock needs me to confirm the time change, and, of course, even at the friggin' Hilton, I can't fall back asleep.

And b, you're right, though it didn't occur to me because I've become more tolerant of inconvenience with age, and in college, my reaction would have been, "you want me to sleep where?" Of course, I wouldn't have been able sleep then, nor now, but at least now I wouldn't complain...

Pvt. Ogged: also not getting laid.

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