Re: Among the People, A Few



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would the very cute redhead that I keep not getting a chance to talk to, like, make the first move or something, please?

I didn't know you were interested, Ogged. You wanna come upstairs and see my etchings?

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I'm amused by the juxtaposition of people not opening their doors to the suspiciously Middle Eastern-looking guy, and your own thoughts about the suspiciously right wing-looking types.

Good luck with the redhead. Surely you and FL can work up some kind of competitive point system on this whole meeting-women-through-political-action thing.

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You're doing good work. And I'm enjoying your updates. Hope you get a chance to talk to the cute redhead.

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Ogged - Hopefully you'll have more luck than Charlie Brown did with his red-headed girl.

And kudos to you for jumping in and getting involved.

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Count me equally impressed by the commitment. That's cool. The amount of inspiration and effort eing put forward by everyday Democrats doesn't seem to me paralleled by GOP voters this time round. Good thing all the voting machines are rigged!

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Good thing all the voting machines are rigged!

Heh heh. You mean all those dead people will have their Kerry votes tallied for Bush? Sneaky bastards. We just can't win at this game.

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