Re: Big Time


Kos has confirmed that it's pronounced Kos as in Markos. However, from the time I started reading it (and long before he clarified the point), I've pronounced it Koz as in Cosby. Don't think I'll ever be able to change...

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Maybe he's just saying that Kos is raising money for people who are fighting (rhetorically, legislatively) against having the US be in Iraq. Or maybe it was a double entendre calculated for plausible deniability of what most people will understand the first time they hear/read the statement.

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So Adam, you're saying the accusation could be that Kos is raising money for people fighting against the US occupation of Iraq? That makes sense. Very subtle of Mr. Delay, but it does make sense.

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I would say that would get past dismissal stage and to a jury.

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The hell with the issues; I'd pay good money, assuming I could obtain it, to be denounced by Tom DeLay.

I've never been Kos's biggest fan, and was ripped up by one prominent blogger once for having casually said in comments on a third (fourth?) party blog that something Kos said would be best said by a stupid person, or something to that effect, but if Tom DeLay publically criticized me, I'd carry it as a badge of honor for years, or, more likely, decades.

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Kos has to show damages to sue, I think. I'm no expert on slander, but I'm pretty sure he has to show some adverse effects like loss of advertisers or even readership. There's no evidence that he's been at all adversely affected by DeLay's comments.

I agree with Gary Farber--wear it with pride.

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I always mentally pronounce it "chaos", which I think Markos would consider appropriate.

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