Re: Jelly Beans, On The Other Hand


The one thing you never ever want to do is to compare your sex drive to the apostropher's. That way madness lies.

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Dude, horndogs are trashy and common. I am a Carolina poon-hound. There is a difference.

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Yup, lack of exposure to women will dampen things down. I work in a company that's about two-thirds women, and I've never been so interested since I was in high school (twenty-plus years ago). On average, that is.

Thing is, our overall emotional state has greater effect than we (especially men) generally give it credit. The last couple of times I got dumped, the redundancies at work, being hassled by moronic bullying tax men, all faded my interest to nothing for a week or so, then it took a few weeks to climb back up to normal.

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May be psychological, as you're concerned(anxious?) that could have a BIG,BIG effect on you.

If it continues, see a urologist to rule out medical problems, if that's on see a psycologist(I'm a retired Psychologist), good luck,Larry

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