Re: Keep It Straight


Yes, amen.

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On the Charlie Rose show, after the first debate (the one that went the worst for Bush), Helperin said that the reason Bush was so peevish was that Bush in his heart believes that a Kerry presidency would put the country at risk. Helperin offered no rationale for preferring this interpretation to the several others less flattering to Bush (such as Bush resents being criticized) and equally supported by Bush's performance.

A week or two later, The Note compared coverage of Lincoln Chafee's endorsement of Kerry (?) with coverage of Zell Miller's keynote speech at the GOP convention, and said that the difference furnished evidence for Bernard Goldberg's assertion of a liberal media bias.

There's nothing screamingly wrong with either of these takes, but it's obvious from them that Helperin takes pains to be fair to Republicans. That the right wants to Ratherize someone like him means that nothing short of installing Sean Hannity on one of the major networks will satisfy them.

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