Re: Perhaps the Last Mary Cheney Post


Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if you or I understand what Kerry was trying do to. Now the Mighty Wurlitzer has cranked up into full gear about how Kerry was mean to paw widdle Mary and her mommy and daddy.

And, of course, the great video comparison of Bush on Osama has faded into the mists of the past.

Right now, Jon Stewart seems to be the only hope we have for ever regaining a respectable press. And he's a comedian.

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Maybe. On the other hand, this will blow over in a few days and the ads featuring Osama will start hitting the airwaves.

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I did not find this convincing. I think also that Kerry is mentioning the draft to shame Bush for scare mongering, and that the Willy Horton ads were meant to prevent that rabble-rouser Dukakis from playing the race card.

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