Re: Ready To Hunt


I was just thinking it was time for scenario analysis: what happens if Kerry wins? Where does the congressional intransigence to destroy his administration begin?

- refusing to increase the debt ceiling so that he takes office in January with a bankrupt government?

- daily potshots at mis-steps and appointments?

- blaming every daily occurence in Iraq from Nov 2 on him and the dems?

- constantly blasting him for our lack of security, laying the groundwork so that the next big terrorist attack is all Kerry's fault.

The only one I'm not certain about is the debt ceiling, since that could backfire like Gingrich's federal shutdown did.

The GOP is really well situated to hand Kerry a big stinking bag of shit, and then blame him no matter what he does with it. Is there any strategy for overcoming this?

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Is there any strategy for overcoming this?

Small pox blankets. I think that's about it.

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One thought on strategy:

The Kerry camp and democrats should spend the first year investingating every mistake, illegal extradition, and just dirty deed since 9/11. The only way to keep the Republicans in check is to keep them on the defensive. And a (possible) Kerry administration will be sitting on a huge amount of suppressed information about just how badly Bush/Cheney screwed up so many things in the war on terror.

It's not forward-looking, at least on domestic issues, but I think they'll have to do this to have policy room to maneuver on any issue they care about. They could accompany each investigation and info release with policy changes to address the obvious problems. It could address important intelligence and security issues, while helping to educate the public which remains sorely ignorant about the extent of problems these yahoos have created.

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