Re: Strangely Alluring


Do you think the model has really bad dental habits, or is that row of silver filling in the back of this mouth the new compliment to piercings?

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I think the sunglasses also have little forks in them that dig into your eyes, and that's why the guy is looking like the cover from that Scorpions album.

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There's absurdly little storage space, though. I mean, considering that they're sunglasses, it's probably a decent amount of space, but considering they're an mp3 player, it's not.

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The storage is typical of sporty MP3 players, targeted mainly at runners and such. Get off your ass, Wolfson.

Frolic, I was wondering about that too. I think it's about fashion. His teeth look fine otherwise, right?

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Not everyone with lots of fillings has bad dental habits; some of us just have crappy teeth :P

The rest of the look, I won't bother to defend. Tats, glasses, and shaved heads are all very well, but the photo is ridiculous.

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Those look more like crowns or implants to me - maybe he lost some teeth in an accident or a fight. Or he just grew up somewhere without fluoridation. Given Oakley's target audience, he might even be a well-known motocross rider or some such, and we just have no clue.

I don't think it's fashion, because fashion would produce a metal incisor, not a metal molar.

The accident theory would also support the profile shot.

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LarryB, have a cookie. It's Mike Metzger, a well-known motocross rider. Nicely done.

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