Re: The Old Days, and Long Nights


Burning the midnight oil helps too, if you can afford it.

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So show us, Ogged. Write that masterpiece post you've been too sleep-deprived to bestow us with!

I slept horribly last night and am all grumpy and jealous of your good rest, hence the snark. But I do think you may be on to something. I always feel I'm much more of a genius than normal when I'm able to get plenty of sleep. The Apostropher might disagree though, what with his crazy (non-)sleeping habits.

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I sleep pretty crappily most nights, so don't be too jealous. And I'd have to sleep well for weeks to make up my deficit, so no masterpieces in my lifetime either.

I'm not familiar with the apostropher's sleeping habits. But who knew lack of sleep makes you horny?

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