Re: The Other Guys


Thanks for the great reading material. I enjoy your site.

Is it just me or does it seem like the "public" must have been a lot better educated and more politically astute in Lincoln's day? Your average voter today wouldn't have the attention span for half of one of those speeches. What am I saying, I've only read the first few paragraphs.

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I share the worry about Edwards. Cheney is much smarter and more polished than Bush, and I suppose he'll be aiming to make Edwards look unfit for the office. But if only John-boy can get Cheney's mask to slip off...meddling kids!

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I'm scared for our boy Edwards.

Are you kidding?!! John Edwards is a man of extraordinary political talent, potentially on a par with Reagan and Clinton. Cheney, from a one-horse state and the paranoid wing of the paranoid party, has spent the past year in a right-wing echo chamber, dishing out red meat to true believers as loony as he is...

...oh wait, I get it. Expectations and all that, say no more. Boy, I sure Cheney goes easy on that poor boy Edwards Tuesday night;)

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No, I'm totally serious, son. Edwards is an excellent stump speaker, and a good debater, but this is the most stressful performance of his life, and there's no guarantee he won't show nerves. In addition, even someone like me, who thinks Cheney is probably evil, finds his goddam manner reassuring, and it doesn't matter that the facts aren't on his side, because he just keeps coming with the BS.

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On a par with Reagan and Clinton? This debate may be a big step in that direction, at least one can hope. But Cheney is smart but the questions are moot for this one, Cheney is going to blister Kerry trying to make up for the whipping GWB took the other night. If Edwards can make an impression through the insanity it will be huge.

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