Re: Call Suge


I gotta say...I'm reading this post, and I'm reading the post on how great high school was for you, and I'm reading this post, and I'm reading the post on how great high school was for you, and I'm reading this post....

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Well, being a one-man Iranian hip-hop band did have a certain cachet.

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The NYT finding its cajones?

General Sattler also asserted that the offensive had "broken the back of the insurgency" and had "disrupted them around the country."

That assessment appeared to be contradicted by the wave of assaults that continued today across central and northern Iraq, in the areas dominated by Sunni Arabs, who ruled the country under Saddam Hussein.

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Out of courtesy, I've been holding back all day in order to give Apostropher his chance. But enough's enough. I just have to say:

Kick it, Vanilla Ice!

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