Re: The Eagle Has Flown


I can't imagine that the Chief Justice list extends beyond Scalia and O'Connor.

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Word is Falwell is to be appointed Chief Justice during the Christmas break and it will be legal.No comfirmation needed.

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I assume you're joking, but, can you imagine? I hope they do it.

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Let me have my moment of joy, goddamnit. I can freak out about the fucking Supreme Court when we get to that bridge.

Whoo!! Ashcroft gone, motherfucker!!

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Yeah, I think you speak for all of us.

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I think I just threw up a little. Chief Justice Ashcroft...the idea of it makes me want to sleep until it's all over.

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Chief Justice Ashcroft! AHHH!

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You know I find this fascinating. I have a friend who worked in the Ashcroft Justice department. He's an atheist, but always described Ashcroft to me as a decent, kind, public spirited boss. And he was quick to note what he viewed as bogus attacks on Ashcroft in the press, like the now famous drapegate

I can't connect the man my friend described with the devil figure depicted by, well, other reasonable folks like those in the comments here. Now I have now idea who is right about this, and maybe I'm just ignorant. But surely someone has a false impression here. Is there some compilation of the ten most horrible decisions made by Ashcroft as AG? Thanks,

Ben A

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I'm out the door, but quickly: you're not the only one with friends at Justice, pal. Impressions differ!

Maybe someone will do the hard work of answering your question before I return...certainly trumpeted arrests that led to embarrassing prosecutions come to mind...getting smacked down by the normally pliant terrorism court too...okay, gotta go...Crisco...

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So, what, Chief Justice Ashcroft?

You know, there ought be a law against bringing up that kind of horror!

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Sorry, I thought I made drapegate a link.

Here you go:

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