Re: Though our promise counts for nothing, we must keep it nonetheless


Liking, in any way shape or form, is the same as liking David Duke and the KKK.

They are flip sides of the same coin.

Watermelons and McVeigh waco's (typo intentional) united for a cause.

For the last four years, the President has been, for the most part, an extremely unpopular man. The country is split into two factions and one faction hates the President with an unbridled passion, a blinding hatred borne out of not only differences of opinion but in most cases, just an extreme distaste for the man, himself. We are approaching an election to decide if the President should remain in office or should be replaced. We find ourselves engaged in a great war to preserve the country and protect America from destruction. There are forces both within and without our shores who are doing everything they can to influence this election. On the one hand, we have a decidedly stubborn, honest, reliable, steadfast Republican President who has rallied the country in a time of great strife. Our military forces are struggling with a strong, determined enemy. On the other hand, also running for President, we have a distinguished, decorated Democrat war hero who has led a bitter campaign of mud-slinging and name-calling, who has accused the President of not knowing how to handle the war because the President never had to fight for this country as he, the war hero did. He has accused the President of misleading the American people, lying to the American people and fighting the wrong war. He has promised to bring the war to a conclusion, even if it means an armistice with the enemy to be brokered with the assistance of European countries.

The country is at a crossroads and a decision must be made tomorrow by the voters. We, the People must decide whether to stay the course and fight this enemy because we know what is right and the President is the right man for the job. Or else we can just vote for the other man, and back away from this war, letting the chips fall where they may. We can abrogate our duty to defend America and just let history decide whether we did the right thing. We are at the crossroads and must choose one way or the other. May God have mercy on all of us.

The above was written about Lincoln, honest Abe.

If Kerry loses, reflect and be thankful.

See also this brilliant post:

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I knew I could count on you, abc.

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I've always though this blog needed more G n' R.

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"...In an old joke, two Jews face a Nazi firing squad. The first accepts a blindfold, but the second refuses, prompting his friend to warn, "Don't make trouble."..."

That was 1935.

Today the pathetic version of the same joke (read vote Kerry/Dean/Nader) is:

What's a firing squad?

Oh that. Well...hmmm...why would they want to harm us

We're with them.

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