Re: Wet


Here's hopin for the best, and thanking you for all the work you did out there.

horizontal rule

I appreciate your efforts as well. The nutters will say God sent in the stormclouds.

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yeah, why does God hate us?

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I worked a polling place in Ohio too (Cleveland), and I disagree. I think what was happening was that motivated Democratic voters got out early in the day, and had already voted by the afternoon. That is why turnout dropped off. I was in a mostly white area (though liberal), and we had 70 % of registered voters out by 11 AM. So there weren't many people left to turn out later, regardless of weather.

This is also why the midday exit polls were misleading -- liberals voted early.

horizontal rule

You're probably right, Marcus. Given what happened in the rest of the country, it doesn't make much sense to think of the Ohio result as a local anomaly. It's still hard for me to fathom all this though. Give me time...

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Marcus is right. I voted in san fransico in the evening and there was absolutely no line. The motivated liberals voted early.

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God simply wanted Bush to win. How hard is that?

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