Re: Abu There Must Be a Few


Did you see the link right below yours?

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Toadmonster is right, this article explains the query.

Guy Womack, the lawyer for Charles Graner,the suspected ringleader of abuses at Abu Ghraib "tried to make light of that incident: 'Think of any high school in America that doesn't have cheerleaders making a pyramid,' he told the hearing."

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I thought it might have something to do with the "frat prank" defense, but hadn't seen the article. Thanks, guys.

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I don't think this makes the minds of certain humans fundamentally less confusing, though.

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Hmmm, well I for one never once during high school got to sit on top of a naked pile of tied-up cheerleaders and have my photo snapped. Not even on prom night.

Not that I think it would have improved my highschool experience to have done so.

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