Re: Better and More


I see you still have IA.

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What's it for? Will it really help me goof off more efficiently?

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It aggregates blogs (& other sources with whatever kind of feed is relevant, rss?) into one convenient kwik-stop location, so that you can minimize the amount of time you waste, thereby allowing you to mete & dole without striving or seeking.

People who use such things do not understand the point or process of time-wasting.

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I'm not following. What do I do with it?

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Toadmonster, an OPML file is just a list of subscriptions for an RSS reader (also called a news aggregator). Basically, to the user, an RSS reader is like an email program in which the senders are subscribed web sites. If you have an RSS reader, and subscribe to Unfogged's "feed" (see the buttons in the upper left of the site that say XML and RDF), every time there's a new post here, your RSS reader grabs it and let's you know. No more clicking various sites to see who has new posts up.

The best way to get started with RSS, if you're a Windows user, is Bloglines, which works through your existing browser.

If you have questions, we'll be here.

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Ben W--say it, brother!

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Tthanks Ogged. Actually I know all about RSS readers and such, I just couldn't figure out what the OPML deal was. But it turns out my RSS reader has a way to plug it in directly.

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