Re: Enough For Some


From the San Jose Mercury News, 15 May 2004, Abuse foreshadowed in Lindh case:

"The allegations are strikingly similar to some of those coming from Iraq's Abu Ghurayb prison: a detainee stripped of clothing and held naked for an extended time; U.S. soldiers scrawling an expletive on the prisoner's blindfold; guards posing for souvenir photos at his side.

But this was not some secretive military case waiting to be exposed. These were the public allegations, including one graphic photograph, contained in open court filings two years ago in the case of John Walker Lindh, the Marin County expatriate captured fighting with Taliban forces in Afghanistan."

As far as I know, Lindh is neither Arab nor South Asian. Perhaps his treatment can be considered a sign of progress in the post-WWII movement towards equality? This is not to say that race is not an important factor in the torture cases, but that it is not the only factor.

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I'd correct

"It's clear that, while not some God-awful American gulag archipelago--torture has manifestly occurred in detention facilities from Afghanistan to Iraq to Cuba."


"It's clear that, while not YET some God-awful American gulag archipelago--torture has manifestly occurred in detention facilities from Afghanistan to Iraq to Cuba. "

These things never spring up full blown --- those who want this sort of thing always start small with test projects. Then, if the outcry isn't too large, they implement something a little more ambitious. Given the collective yawn the US population has expressed so far, I see the gulag as on an upward trajectory.

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