Re: Getting Through the Oughts


hear hear.

horizontal rule

The guests are gone, the buzz is settling into mild dehydration, very few leftovers. Much love for the goose (It could have been moister, I think, though I was hushed for saying so...oven was turned off as planned, but, unfortunatly, goose did not procede to doneness, and oven had to be turned on again because of paranoia of food posining guests [and myself]) Thank you, Goose, for providing our meal.

It's time for rehydration, mild reading, and likely a couple more pisses before bed. Goodnight, and Happy New Year.

horizontal rule

Here's to better days, eh? Yeah, I'll drink to that. Happy New Year, Ogged.

horizontal rule

Best start to a new year ever, man.

horizontal rule

How so?

horizontal rule

Not even giving the new year a choice. It will be a good year.

Happy New Year, Ogged.

horizontal rule

One can always hope, of course, but it seems to me '04 was down and we're going downer.

Maybe I should slip out of stoicism and into hedomism. Hmmmmm.

horizontal rule