I'm confused. There's no entry for "the city".

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It's abbreviated: D(a) C(ity).

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Hm...I wonder if he could break down those of us who live in San Francisco, as opposed to "SF Bay."

Man, I've only lived here eight months and I'm already a psycho urban snob.

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It's abbreviated: D(a) C(ity).

Oh, what would you know about it???

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Oops. I read "apostropher" and for some reason my brain thought "Fontana Labs". And FL has clearly revealed that he doesn't know from "the city". Hence the snark. I'm sure apostropher knows all about using "the city" properly.

Sorry for the mix-up. Which, for some reason, is one I've made before. Has anyone ever seen apostropher and FL together?

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Do you mean "live" as in, "where I get my mail," or do you mean "live" as in, "where my friends are and which local paper I read"?

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I don't live close enough to any big enough cities to use the phrase at all. Which I suppose, then, is proper usage in my case.

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I second Dan's remarks about SF Bay. I don't want to be confused with those psycho urban snobs.

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following prof-B's question ...

live as in where my physical being is stuck and gets paid most of the time, or the much more interesting places that seem to house my mind and spirit? :)

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"Live in," as in "where you get your mail." Maybe the next poll can be about where folks would rather be.

I see one person answering Chicago. I know for a fact that Wolfson and Unf both live there. Lord, he can't even be bothered to read the thing anymore.

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this is definitely rigged against those of us who live in the South, but don't want to be identified with Texas (so I chose "other")

since there still seems to be some confusion on the subject, Washington, D.C. ("A Capital City") is never referred to as "the City", always "the District", which I believe is unique.

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You should install a HitMap to see where folks are. I love mine.

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mike d,

The DC comment was made in a spirit of silliness, much like everything else I write. Speaking as one of the 'South' votes, though, I've never considered Texas to be part of the South. It's really its own distinct region. This North Carolinian would like not to be lumped in with Alabama and Mississippi (and, to be fair, parts of NC), but you don't get to choose your family. In any event, we're in third place! Yee-haw!

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Or, uh, we were when I looked last night. No longer.

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Kotsko lives in (the vicinity of) Chicago, too, you know.

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I got the silliness. I just had that idea kicking around when I saw you guys talking about "the City" previously. I didn't say anything at the time, but, since you were still talking about it, I thought I'd strike while the Meme was still hot.

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I bet at least half of the "Midwest" voters actually live in Chicago, and just voted as they did because that was the first accurate option they saw.

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Chicago was the second option on the list, before "Midwest."

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You can see the poll here.

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Midwesterners read from the bottom up, duh.

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Maybe we're looking at machine politics in San Francisco. Are you sure there wasn't any double/triple/etc. voting going on? Those West Coasters can't be trusted, you know.

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I did set the poll to block multiple votes from the same IP address, so even though I think you're kidding, no, that's probably not the explanation.

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As far as the poster's dilemma, I think you ignore us red-staters in the heartland at your peril.

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It is a bit worrying that the whole of the world outside of the US comes under "Other"...

Makes it hard to be specific....

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I had to cut off the list somehow, and honestly, I just wasn't expecting very many in that category. Wrong, apparently.

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I didn't get to vote! I'm enraged over the South coming in fifth! I've been disenfranchised! It is time for the Apostropher and I to secede and declare war until Ogged begins blogging red state interests. (fried things and pie, and hunting, can't think of much else...oh, and vegetables shaped like profiles of Elvis...or thingies)

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There we were, just me and my cousins, sitting on the riverbank, sipping sweet tea, naked and sunburnt...

Like that?

And where the hell were you Michael? You usually comment about 15 seconds after I post.

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Some of us have busy lives, you know? Failing to convince you there, the truth is I actually don't have internet at home, and my commenting after your posts is strictly par hazard.

Anyway, where'd you get that excerpt from my autobiography?

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I could have voted from at least 13 IP addresses, and probably more if I put some thought into it.

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if you did that for an unfogged survey, the recommendations for psychological treatment would no longer be centered on ogged.

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Not to mention that, thanks to the wonders of DHCP, I could just restart my computer a lot.

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Actually, that "fifth of the readers" bit is odd—how many unique repeat visitors do you get? Surely more than 112?

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That's why we're calling it a representative sample.

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True. But, you could still find out what your repeat IPs were, and then see how many of them actually came by the site during the time the poll was active.

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Jesus Christ, Ben.

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Hey, I couldn't let you so blatantly show me up, right?

Of course then you'd have to figure out if the mid-week visitors over whatever period of time you had the poll up are themselves representative of the whole. In fact I think you should just send me server logs for the past year and pay me a ridiculously large fee to analyze the traffic.

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What I really wanted to know was where the people who like to take online polls, and were reading Unfogged between Tuesday and Wednesday, live. The results are unimpeachable.

Seriously, I would have left it up a lot longer, but the weird color effect was even obscuring subsequent posts, and that was annoying.

(Yes, there were subsequent posts that I then took down.)

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I'm surprised there are that many midwesterns with internet access.

Also, Dali's not on the red line, Ogged. For the lesbian commuter crowd, try the Diesel Cafe.

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Oops. Diesel Cafe.

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Dali's not on the red line, Ogged.

Not "on," I can charitably grant, but the red line is what one takes if one is taking the T to get to Dali.

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What time of day did you first put up the poll, and what time of day did you pull it? If you put up the poll during a time when more west coasters than easterners or midwesterners were awake, and pulled it before the "exposure time" had a chance to get more even you could get skewed results.

And I'm not in either the US or Canada.

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I think the Singapore vote was definitely suppressed.

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All of us in the Midwest are strangled by this culture in Midwestern states!

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Germany, thus other.

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I used to live about a block from Dali. Never went there.

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