Re: Slooow


"Smarty Error" might be one of the best error messages going.

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Not-so-Smarty error.

For some reason, the way I have comment permalinks, and the recent comments sidebar set up, it won't work with dynamic page rendering. Pain in butt.

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Busy New Year's eve, Ogged? What're your plans? I'm trying to cook for 10, (using mostly recipies I haven't tried before). Would be somewhat less stressful if mom didn't insist on helping.

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I'm at work today. No plans for this evening. What'reya cooking?

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Le Menu


Poaches Pears with Zabaglione

Roasted Nuts

Banana-Nut Bread (hopefully. mom's doing it, she's stressing me)

crabmeat stuffed mushrooms


Roasted Goose

Red finger potatoes in goose fat

sweet potato casserole


apricot glazed carrots

black eyed peas


Mincemeat Pie

Pecan Pie

....I also want a Carrot Cake, but making that will depend on time constraints.

The goose was actually bought for Christmas. But then we had that freeze here in the South and I couldn't make it home in time. I've never had goose before, but I'm pretty lucky with first time trials. Anyway, time for one last trip to the store.

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I had some goose about a month ago, done with minimal preparation--apparently it was just stuck in the oven and basted occasionally. It was great.

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Good to hear. I appreciate duck greatly, so chances are good I'll like this goose. The Plan:

It's been brining for a day, and will be stuffed with some aromatics (apple, onion, cinnamon), some of the fattier parts will be scored, and then it will be placed in a 500 degree oven. (with some big rock-type substances in there for heat radiation...there's some leftover countertop material I plan on using) and a pan of cheap beer to saturate the oven with moisture. (I always do this when I cook chicken. It seems to help keep the bird from drying out) I'll lower oven temp after 25 min to 300, and keep it there till goose gets to 170 or so. If I have a port lying around, Emeril has a recipie for a glaze.

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170! That's pretty high, isn't it? I don't even cook chicken or pork to that heat.

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Goose is all dark meat, which is done at a higher temp than white meat. I looked it up, Goose is supposed to be done at 180, which is the same as the dark meat on turkey, and duck . I'm turning off at ~170 because the heat already in the goose will keep its temperature rising.

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Where did you look it up? The official government pages about When Things Are Done (presumably somewhere on the FDA's site) tend to be kind of paranoid about these things. But hey, it's your goose on the line.

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"170! That's pretty high, isn't it?"

Fahrenheit, Ben, Fahrenheit. Only in America.

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Anybody know how to make that ginger-based seafood dip they serve in Japanese steakhouses?

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