Re: Tough Guy


It's a good line on the resume before he goes into the family business of running for office. Even in the current war, which is likely to be over by the time a new enlistee finishes basic training, less than one in a thousand soldiers have actually died in combat, so as risks go, it's not so bad (he can also choose a less risky specialty when the time comes). Many moms are proud of their soldier sons.

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You are wrong about this one.

It might say "Screw you, Mom," but it might say any number of other things.

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You're right, Tripp, it could mean many things, and the post sounds more sure than I really am. Still, it doesn't seem very considerate of him.

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arthur, surely the most important line on his resume is the one where it says "Daley"? Chicago will need a mayor after Richard retires.

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Dads worry as much as moms; dads just internalize the worry and have heart attacks.

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Mmm, did anybody think to mention that Patrick Daley is a Republican?

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