Re: NY


It's a philosophers' convention -- can't you just go home with one of the groupies that'll be gathering around the entrance to the hotel?

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The APA hasn't started yet.

Maybe ogged's ex can find a place for you.

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No, I meant the meet-up thingy.

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I understand Jackmormon is running a (doorless) flop-house for -nf-gg-d posters.

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funny, i remember reading this article yesterday and thinking it would be useful to remember.

i was at the Hotel QT for a wedding afterparty not too long ago, and can recommend that. at least the bar.

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There are bridges all over NY. Shouldn't be too challenging to find one that can accomodate both you and your enormous cock underneath it.

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Actually, I think I've solved the problem, but I appreciate your kind thoughts, Apostropher.

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Oboe groupie, FL?

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The good news is, it's really cheap to stay here.

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It sure is. For $2.00 you can stay on the subway all night.

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Hell, you can sleep in the park for free.

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I'm interested in coming into the meetup tomorrow, but have no place to stay. I'm going to look for some hostels, but my internet connexion is spotty. I'm not opposed to crashing on someone's couch, even if there is no door. I am assured to be clean and harmless.

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Michael, I can probably provide such a doorless couch if you don't find a better option.

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I've heard that one of the New York hostels is one of the best in the US but, never having stayed in a US hostel, I don't know what that means.

Also, during the tech boom there was a story in one of the Bay Area newspapers about people sleeping on the buses on the peninsula while riding back and forth all night to and from Silicon Valley.

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"Hell, you can sleep in the park for free."

In the same sense you can stay illegally anywhere. Except, you know, this time of year, far colder. But you can also sleep in Gracie Mansion for free; it's not as if Bloomberg sleeps there. And it's just as legal and unpatrolled as the parks.

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They don't charge for jail, do they? (Yet.)

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I reckon Gracie Mansion is in fact less unpatrolled than the parks. Good point tho.

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They don't need to patrol Gracie Mansion, because those dudes are un-fucking-stoppable.

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There are no spare beds in Manhattan. Annie Doe and Roe of Anytown, NJ, however, do have a spare room.

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There are no spare beds in Manhattan. Annie Doe and Kevin Roe of Anytown, NJ, however, did have a spare room for me.

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The law, in its infinite majesty prohibits the poor from sleeping in mansions and parks alike.

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The crazy brother of a friend of my dad's once broke into Gracie Mansion in an attempt to kill Ed Kock with an ax. He failed, but I'm sure he slept indoors that night.

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Ed Kock is a good screen name for a male porn star.

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Typing, not my strong point. (Axe handling, not Eddie's.)

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I thought it was a shunned, broken man who tried to kill Emanuel Ax with his greasy cock. No?

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No, with his pianist.

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Apropos of nothing, I heard a song by this dude named "José González" that I quite like, and looking him up I found out that he's apparently Swedish. I guess it was too weird to assume that someone singing in English with that sort of name is American. Or I'm just an ethnocentrist.

Also, the song I downloaded says the album is "top 40." Have I been living under a rock?

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Did it specify which charts the album is "top 40" on?

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NY Hostels aren't taking online reserv's a day in advance. I should say they better be nice, charging $30 for dorms. (I have stayed, btw, in one American hostel, in Flagstaff, and it was very nice.) Washer, thanks very much for the offer, and I'll quite likely take you up on it.

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Correction. The "genre" in iTunes is what says "top 40." Either way, I guess it's got to be Sweden.

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The hostel in Santa Monica is lovely, and two blocks from the beach. Can't beat that.

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Was it the song from the Superball commercial?

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I don't know. Apparently, it was featured in an episode of the OC, which makes me want to not like it, but I can't be bothered to be too cool for school lately.

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Can we tell that I am trying as hard as I possibly can not to do work?

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Well, if it is the song from the Superball commercial, arguably I was in a Gettier case.

Here's my extended dialogue with slol about the commercial (with some of the other folks chiming in, plus one non-Mineshaftee). FWIW.

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It is not that song. But that is a good song, and a good commercial, logistical grounds notwithstanding.

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w/d, I'll vouch for Michael's good character, having met him for the first time yesterday. Well, I'll vouch for his good hygiene anyway. He's a very clean fellow.

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I didn't understand why he wasn't drunk, though.

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God knows we bought enough buckets of beer.

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You know, I was surprisingly sober after the 5 or 6 beers I had. Something fishy about that...

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I was surprisingly sober

No kidding! Not only did I not make out with a single one of you guys (that's my story and I'm sticking with it), the 4-1/2 hour drive home afterwards wasn't remotely sketchy.

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I take personal responsibility for that. If only those strippers had materialized.

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Hey, here's something OT: Ben Wolfson joins the elite corps of bloggers whom I have dreamed about. (Others: Belle Waring, Sebastian Holsclaw, Ophelia Benson.)

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Hey, here's something OT: Ben Wolfson joins the elite corps of bloggers whom I have dreamed about. (Others: Belle Waring, Sebastian Holsclaw, Ophelia Benson.)

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But was it Ben qua blogger, or Ben qua commenter that you were dreaming about?

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I make no distinction between those two entities. Actually it was "Ben qua floating presence".

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Praise Ben from whom all blessings flow

Praise Ben all creatures here below

Praise Ben even when he makes no sense

Praise Blogger, Commenter, and Floating Presence

(No distinction -- the 3 entities are one substance.)

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Is this going to compete with my religion?

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Wolfsonism is entirely compatible with the tenets of FSM, CMDB and all other major religions. Ben is the light, and they shine through him.

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Cool - what are Wolfsonism's major holidays, and when can we start waging war on them with pictures of dogs in snow?

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It should really be apostrophism. Are you apostate apostrophists?

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Jeremy, are you pimping my doorless room while I'm not even around to comment on it? There's a small chance that my roommate is having guests arrive--but I think that'll be tomorrow. I'll check in in a couple of hours with more definitive info.

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Does Wolfsonism practice full or partial immersion?

And I'll need to know something more about his family background, going back at least three centuries.

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Praise Blogger, Commenter, and Floating Presence

I rather like "Lurking Presence" for that line.

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Paul -- above all we have to remain true to the Text of the Dream. Wolfson was not a lurking presence; he was reading the Dentist's Announcement in his sonorous voice. He was radiant, not lurking.

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Nor does he lurk here.

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I see. Well, better a radiant Wolfson, clothed with the sun, than a lurking one. I retract my interpolation.

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Ben is clearly a witch, as I've dreamed about him too.

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Before or after you met him?

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I think the real question is, before or after you sent the naked picture?

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After meeting, before picture.

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Are you implying that he ensorcelled you into sending him nudie pix?

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And I'll need to know something more about his family background, going back at least three centuries.

Direct descent from the Baal Shem Tov, baby.

43 & 44 should probably have one of those names googleproofed.

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Because I would object strongly to such a slander against my divinity. It's like calling Mohammed a child-molestor, or Catholics cannibals.

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43 & 44 should probably have one of those names googleproofed.

I have nothing to hide. Actually I got into a weird back-and-forth with Op/helia after I blogged my (non-creepy) dream about her. I reckon Sebastian and Belle have both seen the posts in question though I have not corresponded with them in that regard.

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You may not, Osner, but our local blogger with ovaries does.

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Now that I have looked up "ensorcelled" (duh, the meaning should have been obvious), the answer is no. Michael bribed me into it, at my suggestion.

And it was only one picture.

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Wolfson Indiscretion Error!

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It is not an error, silvana. We've been through this before. Open secret, secret only from google. Read her "about" page and tell me how I've been indiscreet.

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Hm. Well I don't quite understand what you mean but if it will serve the cause, go 'head and edit my comment. (If it is within Your power -- and how could it not be?)

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Precisely. The original post, listing three bloggers who don't post here, needn't be googleproofed, but Wolfson's critique of it makes it a problem.

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Actually, I don't even know what the secret, open or otherwise is. I just felt like calling an error.

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Osner, see.

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Is the blogger of whom you speak the one to whom I referred using her real name? If so I beg pardon; I had looked at her "about" page and not recognized that it was she.

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74: Well now this is definitely indiscreet.

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Y'all are gonna get SUED when she finds out about this.

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O-oh, so that's what Ben was giving dire warnings about.

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Osner broke a written rule unwittingly.

Wolfson committed, as he himself would say, an indiscretion error.

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At some point, ogged or FL will show up and fix this, surely before lawsuits are filed.

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She can't sue me, she doesn't know my real name.

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I think "Alameida" is far more likely to kick someone's ass than to sue them.

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Or at least to set her little sister loose on them.

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Having her little sister set loose on me is a fate I would be willing to accept.

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The punk-rock one?

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I dunno, Wolfson, a sophisticated examination of the video footage suggests she has you on reach and speed.

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