Re: And The Winner Is?


does the winner get to keep the little pigs?

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My firm blocks such websites, for my own protection of course.

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At first I was thinking, "Bah, it's just like Fear Factor," but, then... not so much. Crikey.

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Good frigging god! That is truly bizarre. To think that here in the U S of A we get all riled up about seeing Janet Jackson's breast for a second.

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Ew. Ew. I don't know why I looked at that. I am sort of in a public place.


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That was rather disturbing. The little blurb didn't warn about the snake part that comes first.

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How'd That Happen, maximum eels edition.

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Japanese games shows Ogged? Games shows?

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What google search did you do to find that? (she asks, crossing her legs very tightly)

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What's with those pigs, anyway? Presumably some maniac had to actually train them to head straight for the woman's breasts and vagina. Or maybe they put some pig-appealing scent (essence of truffles?) on those areas beforehand? That's probably it.

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i don't know. what evidence is there that this was a game show and not some bizarro nippon-porn? there's a lot of that. anyone speak japanese?

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Holy fuck. That's on TV, not a video? Am I glad we've got some censorship over here.

The stuff does give more context for Scooter Libby's bear scene.

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That's awful. I hate being tickled. That had to tickle like nothing else.

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PG, sad to say that I check pretty regularly--almost always, I decide not to share with the Unfogged crowd, but this...

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I think I'm glad I'm on dialup this week.

Speaking of Fear Factor, yesterday we were in a bar having dinner and it was on. They were burying a woman alive, in a coffin filled with rats (okay, fine) and maggots (not so much). I had to explain to the boyfriend what FF was all about, since he has no television. This morning, we were listening to NPR and talking about the mining tragedy in WV and he said, "and last night we watched a *game show* where they buried a woman alive. I wonder how many miners were watching that?"

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What, no one thought the piggies were cute?

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Joe, are we to assume that you clicked the link anyway, despite being at work? You are a brave, brave man.

A friend of mine has a really funny story about his electronic activities being monitored at work. But the moral of the story is to not assume that no one is watching.

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Ogged, I would say that mcmc did. The video was a little blurry for me to tell. Also, I dislike pigs.

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The pig thing reminded me of this bizarre letter to "Savage Love":

I was dog-sitting my friend's dog and I fell asleep on the floor in my T-shirt (no underwear). When I awoke, the dog was licking my pussy, and to be honest, it felt so good that I didn't stop him until I came like I never have in my life. I was totally embarrassed and disgusted with myself, but the next night, it happened again.

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Here we were, minding our own business, and then all of a sudden we link to the same Savage Love column.

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Here we were, minding our own business, and then all of a sudden we link to the same Savage Love column.

Hey, that's bizarre! (Seem to be using that word a lot today.) I hadn't clicked on your link -- the "eels" part sounded gross. Dan Savage, the columnist, is the first cousin of one of my law partners, strangely enough.

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. . . and this little piggy cried "WEE! WEE! WEE!" all the way home!

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PG, sad to say that I check pretty regularly

Very sad - it's not the movie, it's the ads!

Not as sad as the fact that I'm going to send it to MY MOM tho. (I think she's turning Japanese, I think she's turning Japanese, I really think so...)



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That link is JUST the movie. BTW.


['For people who don't want hot girls from [INSERT HERE].']

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If nothing else, this video clearly proves that some animals are indeed more equal than others.

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The transformation of into is progressing nicely. Now you need a penile amputation story.

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Ogged! Put... down... the... knife...

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Funny, I could barely pay attention to the naked Japanese woman, because I was too fascinated with the fact that the piglets were wearing mittens.

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um, i am just glad the piglets had those little booties on over their hooves.


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Piglets look so cute in booties.

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A piglet was in her booty? Man, I really was distracted by the mittens.

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I did notice the mittens, thank you very much.

Also, I'd be very interested in a translation of what the hostess was saying during this whole procedure.

And... how do you win or lose the pigs licking your privates game?

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If it's length of time enduring it, I'm pretty sure I could mop up on that show.

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Someone needs to update this page.

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What freaked me out is the woman's hysterical laughing while the pigs are licking her.

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You know, I still haven't clicked on the link, but at this point I don't think I will.

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Aw, go ahead, eb; it's not really gross so much as hilariously shocking.

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I'm with eb - naaht gown do'it.

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eb will crack. Then you'll be alone. With no cute little piggies.

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It's not so much the grossness, but my sense that anything I see now will inevitably be disappointing.

Ok, it's the grossness.

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I dunno, maybe I'm part Japanese, but I really didn't find it gross--it's the cutest bestiality you'll ever see--it helps that the woman is giggling from being tickled. I'm not sure it's possible to be disappointed by it, eb.

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Now you're just trying to isolate SCMT.

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Not just.

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it's the cutest bestiality you'll ever see

This should be Unfogged's new motto.

I can't help wondering what this woman's grandkids will think when they stumble upon this video someday. Will it be "Damn! Grandma was hardcore!"? Or will it be "Hmm. How quaint. Back then, they only used baby piggies, and they even put mittens on their feet."?

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Damn! Grandma was hardcore!

Totally off-topic, but it reminded me of this. When I went to get my tattoo, there were two young women there in front of me. The artist was clearly annoyed with them and told them he was going to go have a cigarette while the one decided what she was getting inked on her body. I walked outside to join him in the smoking.

"She's having trouble deciding?"

"Do you know what she wanted when she first came in? At the bottom of her stomach, an arrow pointing to her cooch and the words 'Dinner is served.' "

"Oh my."

"No shit. I told her it would still be on her when she was a grandmother and that she really should pick something else."

She ended up getting two cherries on the inside of her thigh.

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Message from MOM: "Thanks for the PORN, Ogged!" followed by sarcastic laughter.


['She said she'd try and translate later, if you want.']

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uh, you guys, licking is a huge understatement... those are little baby pigs trying to suckle from her.

i just hope they didn't have their milk teeth yet!!


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(essence of truffles?)

Reckon they daubed her privates with sow pheromones. So as mmf! says, the little piggies are looking for milk. Probably a little frustrating for them.

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The question isn't "are your male co-workers picturing you naked?" but "are they picturing you on a Japanese game show?"

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I couldn't play the video. I was pretty disappointed.

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I came across another Japaneser gameshow clip w/ intercourse, which googling revealed to be an eleborate porn movie. This one - even as it's much more extreme - has even less of a porn movie feel, but I still feel confident that it's not an actual gameshow.

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I couldn't play the video. I was pretty disappointed.

Apparently a Japanese game show a la "Fear Factor." Young Japanese women wearing bras and panties in swimming pool. Snakes released into pool, wriggled into women's bras. Women screamed. Naked young Japanese woman lying on her back. Piglets (wearing mittens!) released, made a beeline (pigline?) for women's breasts and vagina, which they licked and/or sucked. Woman, evidently ticklish, laughed hysterically. Throughout all this, woman commentator said things unintelligible to those of us who don't speak Japanese.

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One thing that argues against its being a pornographic mock-reality show, is the pixelization of the woman's privates. Not that it obscures much but I should think if this were pornography, that would defeat the purpose. But maybe Japanese porn is different...

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Japanese porn is different. Nonpixelized depiction of the genitals is forbidden.

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Just this once, Wolfson isn't lying to you.

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Yeah, I had to sort of read it twice and squint at it to figure out what was going on.

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The thing about Japanese television is that it's often hard to tell the difference between a game show, a talk show, a variety show, a cooking show or a soap opera. Most shows are a combination of two or more genres.

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