Re: New old advances in spam filtering


I don't like our new mt-overlord. censor that!

horizontal rule

But will the emails for the old posts be going to Ogged for moderation since he was the author? If so, that seems like a flaw in the system.

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So this explanation just doesn't make sense.

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Yes, they will be. However, he did say he'd still be checking his email.

Plus, all that it would mean if ogged completely ignored site-related email is that old conversations won't be reopened, which is, admittedly, unfortunate, but you stop spam with the bloggers you have, you know? It wouldn't mean that any spam will get through.

horizontal rule

Lohan had reportedly just stepped out of the shower Friday afternoon, when she lost her grip on a teacup, which smashed to the ground. A shard of the broken cup connected with the actress' shin, leaving a gash that required 10 stitches to close.

"Yo, um, I must've, like, fell on a bullet, and it, like, drove itself into my gut."

horizontal rule

A lot of those old threads do have a lot of accumulated spam now.

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Yeah, but you should probably give him a heads up about your plan. If he's not willing to moderate, we might just need to close comments on the old posts. Alternatively, you could change the email address associated with user "Ogged" to one of ours. Mail people send to ogged - at - through their mail programs would still go to him but system generated messages would go to the new email address associated with his userid. Or is there a flaw in that system that I'm not seeing?

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"She and her friends were preparing breakfast, with eggs and everything, and Lindsay was going up the stairs, carrying a ceramic teacup," Lohan's mother, Dina, told Star magazine.

"She had just come out of the shower so she was still wet and had some lotion on, and she completely flipped on the stairs since it was slippery."


horizontal rule

Oh, and re:

you could change the email address associated with user "Ogged" to one of ours

Not it!

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Yeah, but you should probably give him a heads up about your plan.

He's aware.

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'Kay. Just checking.

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Cut down on spam? You just drew the spammers a map!

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Neil, it's not like the spammers are real people.

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No one's even bothering with "breakfasting at the home of Bryan Adams"? Time to check The Superficial.

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No one's even bothering with "breakfasting at the home of Bryan Adams"? Time to check The Superficial. (Which, in comments, confirms that he was out of town at the time. Spoilsports.)

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I'll tell you where in the realm of Bryan Adams she was breakfasting.

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I blame teh Slowdown.

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I don't understand. What is their supposed story? She got out of the shower, slathered her legs with lotion, then proceeded to carry a teacup up a flight of stairs? You would think her publicist could do better than that.

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*Breakfast* with Bryan Adams? Implying that someone actually *slept with* Bryan Adams? Ewwww.

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Check out 16 -- doubleposted with new information!

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I know nothing about site administration, so I'm going to be dead weight on that end, but I'd like to second Weman's ahem. I'd been meaning to call attention to that comment before he ahemed. I went to AFOE and that Turing test is simple and unobtrusive, and it would allow us to reopen conversations, which has been a source of insight and hilarity in the past.

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Is there a way to only have it apply the Turing test after X number of days so people don't have to do it on new threads?

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Yes, please. I hate Turing tests: I'd rather put in more despamming time than have to copy some distorted nonsense word every time I comment.

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LB, did you go look at AFOE's Turing test? That's not what it is.

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(But even as simple as it is, I agree with Becks that we need only do it on old threads.)

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