Re: The cartoon lives!


Robertson is biting me. And can continue to bite me.

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Woe unto your penis.

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Robertson is such a wackjob. Clearly God is punishing Sharon for denying the divinity of Jesus.

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1. Robertson was promoted to First Lieutenant in 1952 upon his return to the United States. Robertson then went on to receive a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Yale University Law School in 1955. After failing the bar exam,[citation needed] he shortly thereafter underwent his religious conversion and decided against pursuing a career in law and went on to earn a Master of Divinity degree from New York Theological Seminary in 1959.

2. "When I was at law school, I studied constitutional law for a whole year. I read a thick book of cases on constitutional law. I did all kinds of research. But I confess to you, I never read the Constitution. I graduated without anybody asking me about that."

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I'm not so much with the Christianity, but isn't claiming that a given event is the result of God smiting someone a hair blasphemous? Perhaps even the kind of thing someone might get smitten for. (Can smitten be used as a past tense of smite in non-romantic contexts?)

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I think the proper word is smote.

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Let us conjugate!

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Only if you wear piglet mittens, SB.

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Yes: that's the difference between romance and reality. I was smitten by her then reality smote me.

I wish sometimes that things were different, and the past participle of bite were bote.

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"Pat Robertson was smote by God on Wednesday"? Still sounds wrong.

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Two thoughtlets.

1) Isn't the claim to Judeo-Christian values REALLY starting to wear thin about now?

2) IANA-Scholar of Jewish history, but IIRC, God spends quite a lot of time dividing and smiting Israel. If you read the Bible, you have about 80 years where Israel isn't being actively run over by some foreign conquering power.

All I'm saying is that dividing Israel is pretty much par for the course. It's like God's hobby.

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Is Robertson still running for Presidnet every four years? I know he used to, but I don't remember hearing anything about him the last few election cycles.

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"God smote Pat Robertson on Wednesday." The passive construction is inappropriate when discussing deus ex machina.

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Cala, I think God's allowed to divide and smote Isreal is he wants to-- after all, as Robertson says, it belongs to him. It's just when people divide and smote that he gets mad.

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3a. To afflict: The population was smitten by the plague.

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Well, I think the past tense of "smite" is "smote," as in "God smote Pat Robertson last Wednesday," but you want the past participle or perfect or something, as in "Pat Robertson was smitten/smited last Wednesday."

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I think Robertson has only run once, in 1988.

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14 is so riddled with typos that I don't even know how to begin going about offering corrections for them. Sorry.

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But God's always using the Amorites or the Hittites or the Hooverites or someone to do the dividing.

It's not like God really draws the line on the map. He outsources to Mid-east tribes at a fraction of the cost!

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Apo- I'm positive he ran for the Republican nomination in '92, and nearly positive he did so against in '96. Don't recall about 2000.

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Top hit says it's past participle, and "smitten," but it's also called "Scientific psychic" so fuck it.

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19: But said tribes usually get their ass kicked for it. Chad Gad-yah 'n'at.

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It's also the adjective form, as in, "Cuter than a piglet smitten."

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Sex and death, etc. But we should be using this slow news day to talk about how awesome Vince Young is. We've always known Pat Robertson's one singer short of a choir.

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Bad tribes like the Roman Empire? We can count five centuries later of collapse as delayed smote?

('Yeah, um, sorry guys, God's had a lot on his plate.')

One wonders if Robertson has any real supporters or they just enjoy giggling at him as much as the rest of us.

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How much of a run did Babylon have? Probably pretty good.

Lots of right-wingers say that no one pays attention to Pat Robertson any more. McCain sucks up to Falwell but I'm not sure about Robertson. Anyway, I think they need to own him; it's not like Robertson is insignificant in the history of the GOP's rise to power. Let them be forced to condemn him, and see if it alienates their base.

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I'm positive he ran for the Republican nomination in '92, and nearly positive he did so against in '96.

I can't find a single reference to a Robertson candidacy in either of those years.

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Smasher, you should be using your time to create a Vince Young Facts website.

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Apo - look up at comment 20. That is a reference. Or do you not trust my word?

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excellent idea, SCMT

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(Although in all seriousness, I can't find any references either. So maybe I was just having bad dreams those years.)

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31 to 29, which was to 27. People keep interrupting my stream of conscious commenting with their Vince Young nonsense.

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their Vince Young nonsense.

I will say this: whatever happened to Vince Young at the Girls Gone Wild Elegant Sin Halloween Party certainly seems to have changed him.

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18. Just say I wrote 14 under your name.

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One wonders if Robertson has any real supporters or they just enjoy giggling at him as much as the rest of us.

Wanna drive around Arkansas with me?

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How about a top 30 Vince Young facts? Such as,

"Vince Young can do a dance so terrible that, if you did it you, you would rightfully be put to death by a firing squad, but ,since it's him, will get him laid nonstop for a month.

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Let's keep the fourth law of analogy in mind when talking about "smitten".

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Damn, Ben, you sure love Kurylowicz.

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Rightwingers always disavow Limbaugh, Robertson, Dobson, and the CCC when they talk to people like us. But that have a lot of influence of the 30% of diehard loyalists that have kept Bush in power.

Robertson and Falwell are old hat, but the guys who have replaced them (Dobson and others) are very similiar to them.

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I just watched the video--it's even crazier when you watch it. I know I ought not even think about this, but even in a crazy world in which god does his smiting, what Robertson says doesn't make sense: does the land outside Israel not belong to God? And Rabin was assassinated, but it's not like those who don't divide God's land get to live forever, and Sharon is an obese 76 year-old.

And yeah, Pat's not looking so hot.

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Sorry to interrupt the weirdness but I've got to ask if anybody else has received spam from Centric Software advertising their SheepMaster herd management package at $95? I'm reeling.

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Maybe he's got Chuck Norris disease?

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