Re: Morph


Too "controversial"!

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Feingold rolled out his vision for The Pwn3rship Society today.

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I don't see a special counsel until the Republicans lose control of at least one house of one branch of government. And media will follow the power. Nice ad, though.

On second thought, not. Nixon revisionism has been growing for a long time among people (of all kinds) who remember and of course, there's not much resonance among people who don't. The recent exposure of Woodward's toolishness is yet another in a long list of things that break our hold on those days, and even those of us who think Nixon's forced resignation a good thing are left wondering.

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thanks for the link, 'er

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This may be controversial, but here goes: I think going after Bush for "breaking the law", true or not, is a losing strategy for the Dems.

Americans are conditioned by decades of cop movies to believe that all the real achievements in law enforcement take place only after the hero gets kicked off the force by a bureaucratic supervisor. Dems who try to nail Bush over the NSA wiretaps are saying, in effect, "Ditch the guy who plays by his own rules to get things done! Vote for us, the pencil-pushing bosses. You know, like the kind you work for all day and hate?"

Not gonna happen.

It may be scandalous that Americans are willing to overlook a leaked agent here and an unconsitutional wiretap there, but I think that just might be the case.

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So in your perfect world, Bush would still be President?


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