Re: "So, You Have Three Blogs?" Cue Steepled Fingers of Concern


I had a cat once.

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Her name was protein.

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Between you and Bitch PhD the evidence is mounting that to be a successful anonymous female blogger you must at least be on prescription antidepressants or antianxiety drugs.

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Her name was protein.

Aww, she was the best cat! I miss Protein. That was back when Froz and I had dropped out of college and had our very first first apartment ever. We did a crapload of percodan, too.

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Demerol rocks. Two winters ago I had to go to the ER in the middle of the night because strep throat had closed off my airway, and they gave me IV Demerol. Damn. I understood instantly why people get hooked on it. Don't get me wrong -- the steroids hadn't opened my airway back up yet and I was still in a ton of pain, but not only didn't I care, I found the whole thing mildly amusing.

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only until weiner kicks that meth habit.

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I don't know Labs. Are we talking drugs? I'm pretty clean living.

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There's a meme going around over in live journal land that includes the questions:

Have you ever smoked herion?


Do you like painkillers?

So far only one person I read has admitted that yes, yes I like the pain pills. I'm discovering just how lame so many of them are ala "I'd NEVER take pain medicine stronger than bufferin"...

And then I think--who in the h#ll SMOKES herion?

And then....have I said to much?

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No, but you should have proofread before you said it.

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Labs, if you are entirely drug-free, I guess you win, since I have smoked pot maybe once in the last year (though I'm not sure if I have at all), and occasionally drink to the point of intoxication. But not only do I not smoke cigarettes, I don't drink coffee for the purpose of achieving wakefulness. Not eating meat should be a point in my favor, I think. Nor, for expanded values of clean, do I own a car. I've become a worse and worse recycler, though.

What's this moral virtue you're talking about?

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Have any of you ever smoked herons, or heroines? ... I thought not.

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apo, ms. apo and froz gobo all in the same thread. Wow.

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Tia -- are you then only a social drinker of coffee?

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Honestly, if you don't like pain pills, you probably haven't taken enough of them to really have fun.

Labs, Tia, clean living is for recovering addicts. If you're starting out that way, you've put the cart before the horse. Now get out there and do some damage! You've got plenty of brain cells to spare.

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Not eating meat should be a point in my favor

Not according to my scoring system.

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16: I sometimes drink coffee alone, but only for the taste of the coffee.

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Apo, I'm not trying to claw my way to the top in the "Win a date with Apo" contest, especially not with Ms. Apo in the thread.

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17 gets it exactly right.

the best week i had in my menial cap hill phone answering days the one after i got a new knee. woke up at 4am to watch the world cup, and by the time i got to work, i was happy and content to talk to even foil-hat constituents.

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Not eating meat should be a point in my favor, I think.

That's just crazy; not eating meat should be equivalent to being a meth junkie. (Can you be a "meth junkie" or is "junkie" drug specific?)

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Alameida, I like how this post ended up being about something quite different that what the title led me to believe. Or the first third of the post, for that matter.

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i'm a buffalo wing junkie. i used to restrict the habit mostly to weekends and social occasions, but i'm not even pretending anymore. i had some for breakfast today.

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That's just crazy; not eating meat should be equivalent to being a meth junkie.

Can you be an abstaining-from-something junkie? Seems more like moustachio'd junkiehood to me.

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20: I offer my advice for your own benefit, not mine.

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Oh my god, Demerol! Yes.

I hear they don't administer it anymore for Health Reason X, and probably for good reason.

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Now that surprises me.

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That is, what Lex said, modulo the particular ailment.

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Weiner is hidebound and stuffy on matters of Bridgeplate.

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Is 14 a Mitch Hedberg allusion?

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Matt, did you learn nothing from the Gerardo incident? (Note: I do not actually listen to Gerardo.)

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Am I the cleanest-living contributor to unfogged? Holy shit.

take the chocolate syrup coated dick out of your mouth when you say that.

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Or was it Debbie Gibson? Crap, I can't keep track of my cuh-raazy stipulated musical preferences.

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I know someone who smoked heroin for a while. But I hate pain pills, mostly--codeine makes me puke, and most of the other stuff I've tried, including Demerol, makes me feel woozy and gross. I do like muscle relaxants, though.

The other thing I hate is explaining what a blog is to a shrink. Gah. I miss my old shrink, who was savvy to the online world and didn't think I was crazy for having pretend friends.

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19: Yeah, that's why I drink bourbon alone: for the taste.

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I'm hidebound and stuffy on drugs that aren't legal or prescribed, but I did pick up some Lexotan from a friend for an international flight later today. And I feel like I'm 15 years old, trying to decide whether I should try smoking and inhaling marijuana.

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36 gets it right. But if you have more than one kind, it's like a party, and you're not really alone.

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No point in smoking it if you don't inhale it, Smasher. That would be conspicuous consumption, which makes the baby Jesus cry.

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In other addiction-related news . . .

"Listening to his describe it, it's like listening to a crack or cocaine addict. He's addicted to children's urine," Fithen said.

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I love "steepled fingers of concern".

By the way, my giant cup of coffee and I just finished radically eschewing clean living, so I am liable to COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT unless somebody stops me quick, which you can't because my whereabouts are a veritable mystery.

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I'm harder than 'Meida.

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37: Where are you flying to? And I'm not sure I'd try it. My experience is that some people don't feel much the first time, or get really, really high. Which you might like, though.

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That's sick. I mean, I think we can all agree that cerebrospinal fluid is one thing, but urine? Eww.

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43: some s/b most

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do it, smasher. all the cool kids are doing it. just try it, you'll like it.

also, now that bush has lowered the bar for election from "never tried teh pot" to "i haven't blown rails off a hooker's tits in the last week" its ok. i learned it by watching you!

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"than" s/b "for"

and "." s/b "Meida, who took the fun out of age of consent jokes. Meida, who did heroin in Frisco. Meida, who dreamed of gay marrying her cobloggers. Meida. Meida. Meida."

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Uh, 47 to 42.

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also, if one hasn't tried smoking teh drugs before, and wants to try, it may be a more enjoyable experience to eat some hashbrownies. er, or so i've heard.

i'm totally w/ sb on the steepled fingers thing.

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A significant minority of the committed pot smokers I've known over the years eventually reached a point where it started being unpleasant for them - made them tense and paranoid. I've never had that experience myself, and nobody was more surprised by it than they were, but apparently it happens.

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I vehmently disagree with the first sentence of 49, unless the point is that armsmasher has never inhaled a superheated gas before and might not enjoy it for that reason. And hey, if he can smash some arms, surely he can handle that.

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34: I like Gerardo; you like Huey Lewis, the Scorpions, Debbie Gibson, and Dido.

No wait, it's me who likes Debbie Gibson. (Unfortunately, the comment that established that, in which you threatened to say that I wake each morning to Debbie Gibson tunez if I did not stop stipulating, has been lost to my Googly powers, but its traces can be found here.)

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I'm flying to Istanbul to see Susan; I'll say hi for all of you. What kind of state I'm in when I greet her depends on the pressure I feel from this thread, of course. I have, I think, four of these guys, and my current plan is to cut such a small fraction of one that I can take it, brag about it, but probably not feel it at all.

But the first leg of the flight is seven hours; I think I could knock myself out and wake up with no hangover.

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Y'know, I smoked opium once, and it didn't do a lot for me. The smell was nice, though.

I tried cocaine, too--just made me jittery like I'd had too much coffee and only lasted maybe fifteen minutes.

But man, I loved the weed. I would still love the weed, but I'm too lazy to track down a connection since my old ones went away.

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yeah, i was thinking someone who is considering trying that at this point in their life is unlikely to smoke cigarettes, either. delicate innocent lungs and virginal alveoli will not appreciate experimentation. i suppose the "eat it" suggestion should come w/ the "but not very much!!" caveat.

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Smasher smokes cigarettes. He can handle teh kind. I'll second w/d - eating it can be, umm, intense. Much more efficient, though, aside from the delayed onset.

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fire up the 3-footer then, man.

also, i'm fascinated that there are people who smoke, and have never tried grass.

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Note to all the confuseD: Smasher is talking about trying a pill, not maryjane. He simply likened to the feeling of hesitance to that of a fifteen-year-old wondering whether or not to try weed.

Eating is tough for the delayed onset, and also for the fact that maybe it's a bad idea to have edibles that get you higher floating around when you're about to get the munchies. I knew a guy who was high for a solid week afer he ate the whole pan of brownies.

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Hey, I'm hidebound and stuffy on illicit drugs, but not virginal. I just don't care for pot or other drugs I've tried. By now it's been so long that even considering a painkiller for a long flight has a patina of transgression.

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committed pot smokers ... eventually reached a point ... started being unpleasant for them - made them tense

To some extent this has happened to me, maybe 25-50% of the time after a little smoke. But I've discovered it's usually because I don't smoke enough. Another binger really takes the edge off.

Wow. That looks really bad reading back over it. Is this characteristic of addictive behavior? Hmm.

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Note to all the confuseD

D'oh! I blame the drugs.

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well, culling the brain cell herd is an imprecise science. sometimes you take a few too many of the "what is this thread actually about" subcommittee.

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I don't know what y'all are talking about, but I'm going to Turkey—see you in a couple weeks. Hook 'em Istanbul woo!

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I have never tried an illegal drug that wasn't pot. Can you honestly beat that, Labs? Can you?

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Whatever happened to Vicodin? I had a short-lived flirtation with it in college. Then I found out my roommate was stealing them out of my drawer. A vicious, slow-motion fight ensued that ended with me flushing them while the roommate sobbed. It was fun while it lasted.

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I just don't care for pot or other drugs I've tried.

I knew this from the DC meet-up, but figured I wouldn't out you.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure we went through all of them at the DC meet-up.

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Harder stuff scares me. I've always been kind of a I-don't-like-the-drugs-but-the-drugs-like-me type of guy.

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Though I understand the first time you do E, it's totally fucking fantastic.

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Have a nice trip, Smasher!

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69: Not just the first time, yo.

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64: illegal != immoral

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heh. Alameida, sybil of the unfogged world. I especially like how pathetically her personas are kept separate.

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I am quite lame, now in my mid-to-late twenties, and having never smoked nor tried anything stronger, and lamer for feeling like now it's just not worth the effort.

I make up for this with a minor alcohol problem. I like to think of it as endurance training for my liver.

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Nothing wrong with alcoholism, as long as it's practiced in moderation.

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I like Gerardo;

Matt, were you the mysterious author of the linked comment? I've always wondered who thought they were beginning to "know too much", and what particular desired state of affairs would have been made impossible by such a quantity of knowledge.

I wonder if I could have expressed that any more abstrusely.

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I'm a person just like you

But I've got better things to do

Than sit around and fuck my head

Hang out with the living dead

Snort white shit up my nose

Pass out at the shows

I don't even think about speed

That's something I just don't need

I've got the straight edge

(okay, now I'm really going.)

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No one on this blog does drugs. Especially not the kind of doing drugs where you agitate a toad until it sweats out some kind of nasty slimy jazz and then you lick it.

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I don't know if it's assholish or not, but if it works, I'm totally trying it.

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I don't know if we should be discussing this on the blog

Probably not, though I sympathize with your plight.

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I would strongly advise redacting you-know-which comments above, until there is nothing left of them but "[Deleted by X]". (To keep the comment numbers from changing.)

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Sorry, I messed up the comment numbers, but I deleted the relevent ones.

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t'anks and apologies all round.

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79 is rather more amusing now.

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(I hadn't seen SB's comment to preserve the #s before I deleted.)

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76: no, I just wanted to start the link there to provide context for the next two comments. Not that anyone who does not know the whole story will be able to make a lick of sense of them anyway.

Now I feel as though I've horribly disappointed you. Tantalizing you with the authorship of the mystery comment and then snatching it away! Think of it as the voice of G-d, whose name cannot be written. Why G-d would worry about knowing too much is beyond me. Perhaps if one holds that G-d does not know the future because there are no facts about the future yet, it will make sense for G-d to worry that G-d is beginning to know too much. The penultimate comment here used to state such a view but now it is gone. Interesting. Could it be... a miracle?

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Totally OT, but this made me laugh very hard.

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Forget pills and pot: it would be great if Smasher were so addicted to Unfogged that he missed his flight.

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ac wins.

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re: 67

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we went through all of them at the DC meet-up.

i'm impressed. 'ludes are tough to come by in dc, ever since the nixon administration left town.

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#64: M'either. And it made me paranoid and tense the first time, only mildly silly the second, and had no effect at all the third.

Coffee and cigarettes, however, I like.

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Coffee and cigarettes, however, I like.

No, we've already decided that movie is only somewhat amusing (actually there was no consensus, so I'm expressing what I've calculated to be the average opinion). Your opinion is inadequately orthodox.

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I haven't seen it, actually. But I'm determined to like it when I do.

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wait, what'd i miss?

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Although I am basically meh on pot, it is really, really good for relieving menstrual cramps.

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Never even tried pot, I am illegal drug-free. I did use adderall once, to pep me up for a paper. And by "pep me up" I mean starting it at 2 a.m. the day it was due. Got an A, though. The stuff is magic.

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This thread is less fun for the nymous.

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I'd be pretty surprised if a plurality of commenters didn't fall into the BPhD/Tia category.

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I have never tried an illegal drug that wasn't pot. Can you honestly beat that, Labs? Can you?

I can beat that.

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I just deleted the succeeding entry. I don't know why it still shows up on the main page.

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Color me clean. Except for the realization back in my 20s that, possibly owing to some stereotypical ethnic inheritance, I have serious potential for drinking such as might make William Faulkner and John Cheever say, "time, gentleman, please."

So I don't drink much anymore, either.

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101: It doesn't any more. I think it's a question of the page still reloading from the browser cache or something. (ooh, watch me wow everyone with my techy knowledge.)

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If I'd been smarter, I would have deleted Michael's comment really fast and temporarily banned him, but I was too pissed in the moment to think of that.

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104 -- I have e-mailed you with a proposed way of reopening the drowned-man thread.

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So re: that vanished thread, I have to admit I was tempted to actually name the movie, on the grounds that no one who has seen it should be guessing anyway, and it wouldn't help anyone who hadn't. Would that have been declasse?

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You're fine w/d. And that would have been fine.

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Hey, wha' happened?

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I had thought I went to college during a lull in illegal drug use but acording to this tiny graph , I am probably wrong.

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This deleting of comments -- while I recognize it's necessary -- kind of creeps me out.

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Definitely no 'upper' type things for me.

I feel like total shit if I just have too many cups of coffee. My problem is shutting the brain down -- which is why alchohol is nice -- the last thing I want to do is rev it up.

Thing is, I love coffee. Love the taste of it, the smell of it.

So it's a delicate balancing act drinking enough coffee to get a mild perk and satisfy the coffee taste but not drinking too much and feeling wired and miserable and paranoid for hours.

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I agree. Comment deletion: bad! At a minimum, there should be a placeholder: "comment deleted by so-and-so for reason of Revealing Too Much" or some such.

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I have sinus problems that occasionally lead me to have spectacular nosebleeds. I'm used to them and know how to get them under control – I don't even bother going to the emergency room unless they last more than 4 hours or so because spending the night in the ER sucks. Still, it's usually a toss-up because do you know how they stop spectacular nosebleeds at the ER? Pure medical grade c0caine. Great shit. I would never use it recreationally, though, because I like it too much. I'm like "Woooo! Yeah, I just got out of the ER! Who cares? Let's go party!!"

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I would never use it recreationally, though, because I like it too much.

That was pretty much my experience. After a month of doing it back in the late '80s, I realized I would never make enough money to buy as much as I could do and have avoided it since. Also, nothing much to be learned from it and it turns perfectly nice people into raging assholes.

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I'd be pretty surprised if a plurality of commenters didn't fall into the BPhD/Tia category.

I'd be pretty surprised if they did.

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Re: 69

Must depend on what else you're doing at the time: The one time i did it i was entirely too drunk on champagne and spent the rest of the night convinced i was going to die. Interestingly, another friend of mine, on her first try, was taking a bunch of herbal suppliments (for a cold or something) and felt the same way.

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#96: Does it really? I did not know that. I may have to revisit it, then, should the need arise (being on the pill means cramps begone! Yay!).

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109: Joe, I love that that tiny graph is called "big-pic.jpg"

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That drinking kids' pee story--the link has a "slide show of images from case." I ask you. Is that really necessary??

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I certainly don't fall into the BPhD/Tia category, and that's all I'm saying about that.

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I'd be pretty surprised if a plurality of the commenters here were surprised at meeting each other.

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What an illuminating post. I had no idea when I started that I actually read all three of those blogs!

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and that's all I'm saying about that.

Jackmormon is smarter than me.

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This was previously at issue, Apo?

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No, but it's always comforting to have confirmatory data.

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Eh, anything really revealing is outside the statue of limitations for me. (Especially with the deletia making my 79 nonsensical.)

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statue of limitations

I visited the statue on my recent vacation.

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I visited the statue

I am just the sort of person to think that link is incredibly funny, but also just the sort to think it's incredibly dorky of me to think it's funny.

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Just barely smart enough not to post pictures of my titties or talk about my felonious acts on the internet.

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"smart" s/b "prudish and cowardly"

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This thread is incomprehensible to me. Also.

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I remember a high school friend telling me a story about accidentally dropping a roach (clip) down her shirt, and thinking she was talking about a bug.

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127: I don't get it.

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134 -- is that a joke? Or what do you not get? the pun is on "statute of limitations" which was misspelled above.

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133: That's awesome, eb. You don't still have that ruler, do you?

134: statue vs. statute

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I get that it's a play on "statute of limitations"; I don't understand how the joke is functioning. It's floating? How is that a limitation? Is it a famous statue?

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EB's link reminds me of my cousin, who when his mom tried the "concerned parent" thing with him and asked if there was a drug problem at his school, said, "no problem, Mom. I can get anything I want."

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138: Nice. Even better would be for cousin to say, I can get anything you want.

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You don't still have that ruler, do you?

Unfortunately, no. I meant to keep it but I think I lost it when I moved at the end of junior high -- at least when I tried to find it a few years later it was nowhere to be seen.

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133-The first month of my freshman year in college, a guy from down the hall stopped by my room and asked if I had a bowl he could borrow. I said yeah, looked around for a minute, and handed him a cereal bowl, at which point he started laughing, and said nevermind. I was confused until someone told me the guy was looking for a different kind of bowl. Such a naive child...

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A finger bowl?

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I get that it's a play on "statute of limitations"; I don't understand how the joke is functioning. It's floating? How is that a limitation? Is it a famous statue?

Ah. I think you may be trying to get more than is there to be gotten.

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Gravity can be seen as a kind of limitation. Which the statue overcomes. Maybe.

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I now have the words "the statue got me high" stuck in my head.

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jim anchower gets it exactly right.

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145: Damn you! (Wait, I actually like that song. Thank you!)

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146: I no longer read The Onion. These days I just rely on other people to sort through the junk and link to the really good bits. Thanks, matty.

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i don't read it that often either, but i almost burst our laughing during an extremely earnest class discussion about family preference standards in immigration law when my friend e-mailed me this one. genius.

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"Demerol is basically better than anything. None of you is likely to try it until you're already dying of cancer...."

Having a hole drilled in your side to get at your kidney, and having a tube running out of it while you're in the hospital also works.

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But not as well as demerol, I think.

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151: True. For that, you'd need to drill the hole in your head.

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152: That link brings an excellent sense of perspective to this thread.

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Coming late, I have been studying the thread to see what kind of comments have been deleted so I won't say the wrong thing, but it is really hard. Especially since it appears any discussion of the reason for deletion would be deleted.

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True confessions: good. Soliciting: bad.

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Soliciting sex: good. Soliciting drugs: bad.

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Then again, perhaps it's

Soliciting sex: good. Soliciting sex: bad.

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I'm neither pure enough to brag about it, nor do I have a particularly interesting drug history. I've smoked pot occasionally, but it doesn't do much for me. I never seem to get much past the 'Am I high?" stage. (Yes, I am Bill Clinton).

Took something in a club once that a friend of a friend claimed was Special K (this is in no way a representative sample of my lifestyle -- not even when I was younger and more fun). Didn't do a thing for me beyond the initial "Ugh, nasal spray," but I did have to take Buck home because he couldn't remain upright anymore. Either I'm immune, or he's unusually suceptible to the placebo effect.

Dropped acid once in college. Boy, that's fun. The epic case of poison oak I acquired from hiking through the Berkeley hills in a skirt, less so. I'd do it again, but have never gotten organized to find some, or, more importantly now, clear a weekend of all responsibilities.

And that's it. I'm scared of opiates, because I like codeine too much. In high school I once forgot to eat for three days because I was taking codeine for a (different) really bad case of poison ivy. Hunger would have been a problem, and I had no problems.

I'm all about the whiskey, though.

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In re 32/34/52, the original Debbie Gibson incident is here. Link courtesy of Yahoo! search, not crappy old Google.

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Jumping back to the original thread--could the three blogs represent the id, ego, and superego?

Am I an automaton in Alameida's MIND??111!1

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Chopper - sorry, dude, totally pwned.

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150: I'll try again. Demerol works so much better than morphine, in my experience. For the pain-killing, at least. That was all a friend of mine was interested in focusing on at the time. Damnit.

Oh, and if you ever have a chance to have renal colic, turn it down; it's not as much fun as they say it is. Ditto renal stents.

Having an epidural, and trying to walk not long after, though, is kinda amusing, though mostly more to anyone with you.

Spending ten months on percocet: makes ya kinda lackadaisacal. Add heavy dope-smoking, as well, to complete the effect.

So I hear from a friend.

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Either I'm immune, or he's unusually suceptible to the placebo effect.

I once got drunk enough to not be able to walk in a straight line only from having believed I'd consumed alcohol, though I in fact hadn't consumed any. But I'm always on the lookout for an excuse to act giggly and silly, so that's not that surprising.

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Sheeeet, appears I have done more rehab than y'all have been high. What's the matter with kids today?

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When the revolution comes, Alameida, Bob, and I will kill and eat you all.

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I don't need drugs. I get fucked up on Jesus.

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"Sheeeet, appears I have done more rehab than y'all have been high."

I believe I can safely say that over the years, a good friend of mine has cumulatively consumed more than my (or his, take your pick, though it's remarkably the same) weight in mary jane, the Killer Weed (not this year, though, or for various 2-5 year stretches; just overall).

"What's the matter with kids today?"

They seem to do their share. Dunno about folks on this blog. And I've been about a mile high, day and night, for the last four and a quarter years, myself. The entire community is! (There's also an annual April 20th mass smoke-in, of course, although last year the Man turned on the sprinklers; this year an alternate site has been selected, I gather.)

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various 2-5 year stretches

That's what possession gets you in Colorado?

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That's what possession gets you in Colorado?

Demonic possession will get you stoned in Colorado Springs, I hear

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That would have to be the most extreme way of getting stoned on this thread so far.

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Colorado has its share of extremists. MSNBC is running a story I'd hoped was related, headlined "America's 10 biggest busts of Olympics." Unfortunately it turns out to involve neither drugs nor breasts.

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reading this thread is making me feel dissolute. i would never have expected that from you guys!

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Chopper - sorry, dude, totally pwned.

Citing comments on another blog? That just is NOT pwnage. That's weaker than Weiner-pwnage by like an order of magnitude.

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New Unfogged rule: no one is allowed to say anything that has ever been said before, anywhere.

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New Unfogged rule: no one is allowed to say anything that has ever been said before, anywhere.

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I really wanted to copy B's comment in 174, add it to another post, use my system admin superpowers to change the date stamp to in the past, and then claim she was pwned but I'm too lazy. Let's just pretend I did.

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"New Unfogged rule: no one is allowed to say anything that has ever been said before, anywhere."

See my post about this three years ago.

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Pwnd, b!

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I know I'm not going to do this right but

Posted by: eb | Link to this comment | 02-25-06 08:06 PM



That would have been awesome Becks.

Posted by: eb | Link to this comment | 02-25-1806 08:06 PM



Close enough.

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Of course I did mess it up. There's a version of 179 awaiting moderation for too many links. Which is why the "link to this comment" links aren't right.

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175, 177: No, I think the rule is, things that were not said on Unfogged were not said.

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More pwnage. What is Weiner-pwnage, and why is it weak? NB the screen seems to have become unstable within my visual frame of reference.

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So this shirt probably doesn't make a lot of sense to you.

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Andrew -- I usually take that as a signal to stop drinking.

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This, which took ages to find because neither Google nor Yahoo! is helping, is the best explanation of Weiner-pwning. Keep reading.

(I'm not going to explain Hedgical Trevor, though.)

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I think that Cala and I win for cleanest living. I've never smoked anything and don't plan to try. I think that marijuana would mess with my neurotransmitters too much, and I can't stand cigarette smoke. I cough just walking past a smoker outside.

I didn't even drink much before I was 21. I wasn't a total teetotaler, but I never got drunk until my Senior year in college and for many years I didn't want to drink any alcohol outside of social situations, i.e. I didn't want to have a glass of wine with dinner alone or have a glass of anything any time that I felt, "I coudl use a glass of wine." I chalk it up to fear based on my father's alcoholism. I've now decided that (for better and worse) I've got more of my mother's genetic legacy--not literally, of course--than of my father's.

This is yet another way in which my life experience differs dramatically from apostropher's.

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Back in the 60s, TIME magazine ran a picture of 'students smoking LSD'.

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