Re: Fine, I'll play by your rules


Misfits? Sweet.

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Remind me to post the spoken-word section from "I've never been to me"-- she sounds exactly like Derek Zoolander.

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Speaking of the Misfits, I just saw Glenn Danzig the other day, in front of the video store by my house. He was wearing a pin striped suit and looked fierce. Not "fierce" in the sense of a compliment issued by Tyra Banks, but "fierce" like a rhinoceros fierce.

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Q: Who would win in a fight, Glenn Danzig or Hank Rollins?

A: Rollins. Danzig looks hard. Rollins is hard.

There's a really beautiful video clip somewhere on teh Intarweb of Danzig getting dropped with one punch by a guy from his opening act that he pissed off.

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Disco Tex and his Sex-o-lettes, "Get Dancin'"

Ah, we used to drink 40s of St. Ides and listen to this one. Good times. "My hair is wet, my chiffon is wet!"

The 45 version was the best, if I remember correctly. We later got the album, and the track was edited differently, not as entertaining. It was fascinating to see the credits, though - all these sleazy '60's music hacks trying to ride a new wave. People from around Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon, the Kasenetz and Katz crowd, I think.

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The truth comes out! Just because you like J-Kwon is no reason to defend "My Humps," Fontana (if that is your real name).

#1 is "Iron Man" (the Cardigan's version), but most of my stuff remains on CD.

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6: isn't that a biscuit conditional?

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Chopper's link.

It's not totally clear (and the other guy is not a small man), but either Danzig can't take a punch or his spindly little ankles can't adequately support his upper body. Either way, I take Rollins.

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Also, Danzig appears to be balding. Is he on the road to Dio?

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dio has rocked for a long time.

now its time for him to pass the torch.

He has songs of wildebeests and angels,

He has soared on the wings of a demon.

We're takin' you to a home,

But we will sing a song about you.

And we will make sure that you're very well taken care of.

You'll tell us secrets that you've learned. Raow!

Your sauce will mix with ours,

And we'll make a good goulash baby.

Dio, time to go!

You must give your cape and scepter to me.

And a smaller one for KG.

Go! Go! Dio! Dio!

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10: nice.

Is there any musician we'd take over Rollins in a fight?

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isn't that a biscuit conditional?

I don't think so. It's a bit weird because the conditional applies to the appositive, "Fontana," rather than to the content of the statement. So if baa had said "Just because you like J-Kwon is no reason to defend 'My Humps', Fontana -- wait, yes it is" he would have retracted his assertion, but if he had said "Just because you like J-Kwon is no reason to defend 'My Humps', Fontana -- wait, that's not Fontana" he wouldn't have retracted his assertion (except that there's no reason to say that to anyone but Labs). Anyway, I think it's an utterance modifier, in that it's not felicitious to say just that if 'Fontana' isn't his real name. But not a biscuit conditional. That's just my opinion.

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11: Roy Jones Jr. put out a rap album, didn't he?

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Ted Nugent if weapons were allowed.

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If Courtney Love bites you, you die.

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Sharon Stone offered her beloved a visit to the Komodo Dragon, and he was in fact bitten. To me that would be an early warning sign that the relationship needed work.

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You'd think that if "Irreducible Jessence" would be in the top five, it would be number one.

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11: Tiny Tim (may he rest in peace) had a mean right hook.

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One would think that, Ben, but that would underestimate my love for Charlene.

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